Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
Well, Nayoki's happy to sit in and do that, then, since it's interesting to watch in its own right.
She gets to about a quarter of the way done before she calls a halt due to low arts.
Thank-yous are exchanged; Leareth asks politely how her spell research is going, but doesn't have anything else to discuss.
"It's coming along fine."
It's done after seven days of work on it and she calls Alt Vanyel to tell him she can summon Ninquë if they still want her to do that, with the caveat that she cannot guarantee Ninquë safe passage home again because of spell failure rates so it should wait till Angband is gone at least.
Vanyel confirms that this is acceptable. He does want to make sure they remember that Quendi don't handle confinement well, and that things can't be ugly; he's not sure what sort of place they're intending to bring Ninquë.
I know what conditions Quendi need but Ninquë will need to be all ready to go live in the woods if it turns out human towns here are not pretty enough, and I bet they're not. I can magic him a house which is confirmed habitable to Quendi but I can't magic him a no-decay effect or anything. Does he have a preferred location for me to teleport to - should I just talk to him or might I as well be talking to you because you're serving as his Velgarth geographer -
:Honestly, in terms of pretty places I would recommend k'Treva? But I don't know if you can do a teleport there:
Uh, I sent my Van there once but they all had bad premonitions about me for god reasons so I don't know I can negotiate keeping Ninquë there.
:Goodness! That's...awkward. Um, I'll talk to him about places I know, I think we can at least arrange some pretty woods, I can show him memories and all:
And two hours later he can confirm that he’s shared some memories of sufficiently pretty forested areas near where he grew up. Ninquë is willing to be brought to Leareth’s facility first, though, despite anticipating that it will be ugly.
Vanyel confirms that he's ready now, she can speak to him directly as well if she wants?
If you don't want me to teleport you to my Velgarth you can say so! I don't kidnap people unless I encounter them as prisoners in Angband and that was one time.
She goes up north and confirms Leareth et al are ready for a visitor and then she yoinks Ninquë.