Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
"Yeah. I could try to develop something specific for it and might have it inside a week but I also really want to check over my interplanar transit to find out what went wrong - I think my friend's anxious that having spent a fraction of a second in Utumno is going to make me wonder forever if I'm still there, the mistarget could have gone way worse."
Nod. "We could try your current Healing spell, and have someone assessing him with Healing-Sight to see if he appears to be deteriorating over time, and direct research efforts accordingly."
Or give up and use a minimally invasive compulsion for it until you figure something out: he adds in Mindspeech, :I do not wish to alarm him more by saying so now:
Sigh. "Actually, I think I would not endorse risking physical damage to myself in order to avoid an experience I dispreferred, and...probably that means he would feel the same way, in principle. So - hmm, I think I can do a conditional one that will only have effect when we bring him food, that way I will not have to come back and repeatedly do it..."
He gets to work, doing the simplest, action-compelling variant; imagining himself in this situation, he thinks he would prefer it at least be obvious what was happening, and not instead have it be trying to fool him about what he wants....
- scaredscaredscaredscaredscared - this reaction doesn't make a lot of sense, being (fake?)-compulsioned into eating isn't an action or a decision any more than not that, and he doesn't have preferences about things that are just different states of the world. Nonetheless his brain is generating a lot of panic about this, which he doesn't make much effort to hide because what's the point.
"Do you think I should be trying to keep him calm?" murmurs Bella. "I don't even know how freaked out he is, I'm not checking, but I know you draw the lines a lot differently than I would -"
This is such an odd hypothetical to be trying to entertain. "I think my endorsed preference would be that you check? I am getting the sense that he is very scared, but he is thinking about it very oddly and I do not actually have Empathy so it is hard to judge."
She checks. "Yeah he's super panicky, leave it or push back or cancel it altogether?"
"I am finished now, so we could wait and see if he calms down once I have stopped doing things to his head?"
Leareth isn't trying to calm down deliberately, doing anything on purpose isn't safe, but if the situation stops changing then over five or ten minutes he'll gradually go back to his background state, which is moderately stressed but also pretty detached from it and not having very many thoughts.
Nod. "Then I suppose we can do the waiting for a week?" He glances at Tadri. "I would like you and the others to trade off keeping an eye on him, bring him food at the usual mealtimes, and otherwise be very boring. I will probably not come back until the week has passed, since I assume my being here would indicate things happening and thus be stressful."
Leareth walks away with Bella. "I would not ask you to stay in the north during the interim, if you would prefer not to," he says. "That being said, none of us here are familiar with - this, and you are, so I would be somewhat more comfortable having you nearby."
"If you can accommodate Sayshen too, I think staying for a week while I work on figuring out what went wrong with the spell makes sense."
"I believe we can do that. It would make the most sense to repurpose the basement, which has more open space, but we will either need to Gate her down there or replace the stairs with not-stairs. We can have that space ready in a couple of candlemarks, if that is all right?"
"I believe so; I cannot recall exactly which room in the infirmary you were using, but it was next to Vanyel, no? So it ought to be available, since we have no one else here."
Sayshen grabs a spare blanket in her teeth, pulls it down, shakes it out, and settles down onto it. :You know, if you'd asked me right before I left whether I thought we'd end up back here again, I'd have thought you were kidding around: