Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
Angband Leareth seems indifferent when asked about the mealtime compulsion, but they try taking it off anyway and he's eating enough on his own, at least averaged, he skips meals sometimes. He asks for more paper. The Healers offer him baths every so often and he finally takes them up on it.
He freaks out a surprising amount about the suggestion that they cut his hair, though; it's matted and gross and that seems to them like the least hassle-y way of dealing with it, but Nayoki and her Healer colleague gamely spend a few candlemarks untangling it instead.
He is cooperative about being put to sleep every night, but doesn't interact other than thinking at her that he's ready.
It's not until another week later that, during the bedtime earcuff contact, he also thinks that if she wanted to come by in the next day or two then he wouldn't mind talking to her.
Having warning is helpful and Melody can free up her morning for it; actually teaching Nayoki her technique shouldn't take that long, but she figures there might be other tidbits to exchange while she's there anyway, Mindhealers don't have a chance to work together very often since there are so few of them.
Does she want him to definitely come, or to maybe be collected if it turns out Leareth actually wants to talk to him?
He can be available for that, then, his morning work is flexible and can be moved around to another time without inconveniencing anyone.
And she goes north with Melody the next morning and introduce her to Nayoki and goes in to see Angband Leareth.
Angband Leareth seems a bit sharper, or more present, maybe it's the fact that he's been somewhat more reliably getting sleep. (He still gets woken a lot by nightmares, but consistently having that first block of the night at the same time helps a lot.)
He fixes his eyes on a point just left of her head. "I want you to show me the other things you can do with the other world not-Mindhealing."
"It is - information - I am going to try not to be scared about it, but if you want to do the calm thing that would be fine."
"I can do that. But if you might get overloaded quickly you might want to do something else first. The local Vanyel has time to see you this morning if you want and I took down a message from Maitimo."
...Honestly, all of those sound like things where doing one wouldn't leave him in any shape to do the others. The question of what order deserves some thought.
"Can you leave the message from Maitimo here for later, if it is in writing?" In the world where this is real, it's not going to mysteriously vanish from his table, and if this isn't real then it doesn't matter anyway.
"Yes." She tears it out neatly from her notebook and folds it up and puts it on his desk for him.
"Thank you." He considers for a bit. "I...think that I want to see Vanyel first." That one feels less - real? Less like it's ever going to come again if he doesn't take it now? It's hard to describe what, just, he hasn't actually seen supposed-younger-Vanyel yet and has only words claiming his existence.
"Okay. Will you be alarmed if I bring him directly to this room? I can go in the hall if that'd startle you."
Having preferences about whether or not things startle him still seems weird, but if she prefers not to startle him then she's welcome to do it in the hall.
...Leareth remembers that she might not be reading his thoughts, she didn't ask yet. It seems hard to convey properly. "You can do it in the hall if you like."
:I'm ready, but it didn't occur to me that being far away from Yfandes might be distracting. Is it going to use up too much of your mana to bring her too? She could go in the hall or something, probably Leareth doesn't want a Companion in his face:
I can bring her, I'll just need to run around tapping people before I go home. She brings both.
Yfandes politely backs off, and Vanyel can follow her in to see Angband Leareth. (He's such a stupid amount of nervous about it! Why is he nervous about this?)