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boots after therapeutic ethics lands on leareth in angband
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"I can see why the other me would want to catch up! I had not made very much progress at all, at that point. Can I talk to the other me? Through you would be all right. I want to ask some questions that only I would know the answers to." 


You can talk to her but tomorrow would be better - both this artifact and the way I get around use a resource called mana and I can't use the artifact to close distance with two people at once so I'd have to go to her in person or do a lot of awkward switching.


"I understand. May I ask more about your Velgarth and its differences? You can speak directly to me if you wish, I promise I will not use Mindhealing on you. It was a good idea not to surprise me with it, though." 


Switch! Yeah, I have good ideas occasionally. Ask away, though all the differences are just going to be downstream of me showing up, it seems so far.


The older Nayoki spends ten minutes or so asking fairly specific questions about the state of both Valdemar and of Leareth's organization (Bella probably won't know the answers to everything but she'll know some.)

Then she asks what Bella knows about the state of the war effort in Arda, and how on earth she found out about that in the first place. 


Bella answers her as completely as possible up to and including the Angband rescue.


:Oh: She's quiet for a moment. :I - do not envy my younger self having that thrown at her, she must have been so confused. But, this seems better than most other things that could have happened: 


Yeah, I can't just uncomplicatedly wish my spell had worked as designed even though it's inconvenient that it didn't.


:It was also very dangerous! I am so glad you had enough power left to get out again:


It was close. I got some off of him to make it work.


:I am very curious how your magic works, but now does not seem like the time. I will happily talk to my other self tomorrow, if that is the next thing that you need: 


Yup, unless there's anything else we should know.


:...Hmm, not that I can think of now, that one of Vanyel or my other self would not already know. I will try to think of things for tomorrow: 


Talk to you th-

- actually, I do want to know what time it is there, I got lucky it didn't happen to be in the middle of the night.


:That is a good thought! It is midafternoon here: 

(This is several candlemarks ahead of the Velgarth she's in right now, but not an enormous offset.) 


It's slightly earlier here, I will not call you first thing in the morning. Thanks. Talk to you tomorrow.


:Thank you: 


And with that taken care of, she will try to find Maitimo, who even if he is startled cannot harm her with his psychic powers.


- hello? an unfamiliar Quendi says, sounding startled the way one might be startled by a friend coming over at an unexpected time rather than startled like an extradimensional voice began speaking in one's head.


Hi! I'm Bella, you may have already heard about me but I don't have a great sense of how much the Vanyel over there is talking to whom or who besides himself my Fëanáro is bothering.


He mentioned you! What can I do for you?


Uh, the Leareth you've met mentioned you and apparently he used to read your mind a lot. He thinks replicating the experience would be hard to fake but obviously this would involve having your mind read which would be understandable to never want and also I'd have to relay which would be understandable to additionally and separately not want, even though I'd consider anything I got that way to fall under my rules of confidentiality, which may or may not have filtered to you if Fëanáro complained about them or something.


I don't think I can do that, I'm sorry. Maybe someday. I can give you a message to convey to him if you'd like that.


Sure, one second, I'll write it down. ...ready.


We were contacted a month ago by persons claiming to be from another Velgarth and another Arda, earlier in their respective histories, and with a bewildering number of related claims most of which we are not presently dedicating any effort to verifying. Their goals are unclear and we are planning to mostly ignore them, although if this was a plot to distract the King with unfamiliar languages to learn it has met with an expected degree of success. I've given particularly little attention to their claim they have you, which is distracting out of all proportion to its strategic relevance. But whether or not they do, when this war is over, we will get you back and we will fix this, no matter how many years or worlds it takes. 

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