Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
Leareth sleeps solidly for the next eight hours or so, the nightmare block is holding up well. As usual, though, he wakes up kind of disoriented - a lot more so than usual, actually, he doesn't recognize the room he's in. He holds very still, instinctively tries to reach out with Othersenses he doesn't have and then whimpers involuntarily, quietly enough that a human would probably miss it but audible to Quendi hearing.
He has retreated to the courtyard outside since it seems slightly less invasive but still close enough to -
- hey. You're back in Arda, in the palace. Vanyel made your room very safe.
I remember. He's still scared. Can you...? He trails off because he doesn't know what.
Please. He focuses for a moment on controlling his breathing, trying not to let himself get any more panicked than he already is.
Can you. Check if Bella is in range to do the calm thing. She might be in range for Leareth to try to think at her, but he's not sure, and trying to do that feels too hard anyway.
Hello. Mixing osanwë and Mindspeech protocols is a little confusing, I was expecting Quendi to do the former and humans to do the latter. What is it?
Leareth shakes his head, helplessly. Speaking is nearly impossible again. I am not sure what is bad, he thinks at her. Just - scared...
Less so now, the calm helps, but it doesn't get rid of the strange not-quite-dizziness, the feeling that he somehow can't orient to the reality around him - he knows it's real but it doesn't feel real, or something, none of those are really the right words but he sort of holds up the whole vague nebulous heap of it. You can read my mind. If you want.
She does. You might be dissociating, but I never saw a live example in school so I'm not positive, nor do I know for sure what to do about it.
I dislike it!
Maybe getting up and moving around will help, but also that requires getting up. Leareth makes it as far as sitting up, tries hard to focus on that, specific concrete movements – and then, to his own surprise, starts crying.
It may go away on its own but I don't know how long to expect that to take. Do you want me to ask Nayoki or Melody if they know what to do?
Yes. Leareth makes a brief, fruitless attempt to stop crying and then gives up, it just seems to be a thing happening to him right now. I think when I feel this way it usually goes away, but sometimes it takes hours. He pokes at that thought some more. I am - concerned it is a mental motion that I practiced a great deal in Angband because it made - things - easier to tolerate, but it is very annoying now.
That makes sense. She reaches for Nayoki first, the younger one familiar with the condition this Leareth is in if not technically as acquainted with the man himself, knock-knock.
Angband Leareth's feeling off, maybe dissociating. I don't have anything in my repertoire for that, do you?
:...Yes, I can set that right. If I show you the thing I do, perhaps you can replicate it: Pause. :I cannot do it from here, though - unless you give him the earcuff, then maybe?:
I can do that. Just a second. "Nayoki - I asked the younger one, since she's been around you more recently - can fix it if you use the earcuff." She floats it off her ear and over to him.