Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
Mairon has four eyes and is totally drawing a spell diagram of some kind and is startled and -
"- okay, I'm going to get Olórin back and then I can go see what the fuck he was trying to develop."
Hug! "It was, and apparently we interrupted him sneaking around to do something. Is it safe to go to the site of the explosion right away?" she asks the people who will know.
"I do not see why not, there is no magical residue since the artifact sucked in magic rather than releasing it. Probably avoid touching the remains of the weapon itself. I will ask Vanyel just in case he knows anything."
Vanyel relays that it's fine, they hung out near the last used weapon for a while in the process of organizing the search of Angband.
She will go and collect the weapon into the magic bag, and Prestidigitate Mairon's diagram in progress clean to take back and examine. And then she will tell Rúmil that everything went fine.
Is there any further need for Fëanáro and I to be here? I think assassinating a god is - something of a turning point, in something.
I would love to just grab you both here where I am right now if that won't provoke the Valar.
I don't think they'd release Melkor about it. And if they do, then that's something they would have done anyway at some point.
Well, hopefully they won't do it before we find another Velgarth, those magic explosion thingies are single use.
What about Fëanáro's parents, will they be okay about it -
I suppose if I leave him behind he'll just invent an interplanar teleport himself, won't he.
Do you want a bit to spin 'we're going to visit Bella for an indeterminate amount of time' with them -
For the foreseeable future yes, less trips I might make to grab stuff out of Haven. Speaking of which I'd appreciate if you'd pack up my house.
Borrow his earcuff to poke me whenever you're ready.
This conversation renders her much more cheerful; she's humming a bit as she looks over Mairon's spell.