Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
Rúmil confirms he has all of her stuff and also the stuff he and Fëanáro will require.
Assuming he also confirms that now is a good time -
she goes out of the infirmary and taps an Olórin and grabs the both of them in rapid succession, scoops up Fëanáro and lifts off the ground and spins once and then literally flies into Rúmil's arms.
"I asked Olórin - ours is that one over there, the other one is the local, I'm getting the hang of telling alts apart - I asked him a while ago and it wasn't unanimous but -"
Rúmil hugs are good and important and she missed them. At some point Fëanáro will probably demand to be freed to go get into mischief but she will keep hugging Rúmil.
Hugs are nice for like five minutes but after that there is a world to explore? And he wants to see the Silmarils.
"I think Maitimo is in charge? Local Fëanáro's eldest. Or he's at least the interplanar visitors contact person for some reason."
"I guess it's hard to imagine even grownup Fëanáro wanting to tell us where to put our houses or in fact having thought about it much at all."
"Unless he had decided somewhere was not for houses because it was for his library." Maitimo? Rúmil wants to know where we should, like, live.
Of course. I can show you sections of the city by their intended aesthetic and spacing of homes and you can think about where your design will fit in - and he sends this over.
She bounces it to Rúmil. "I'm probably just going to conjure a bungalow with some empty walls for people to add pretty stuff to it, I don't know about you."
"That seems like a good start, we can always replace it with something terribly elaborate later if we want."
"Or if we just miss having stairs. Though I don't know if I'll ever specifically miss stairs."
"Did you have a preference about which area of the city to put it, it looks like it'd fit in fine in several -"