Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
Hey, uh, the good news is that this Melkor and all his Maiar are dead now.
Bad news is one of those Maiar was going by 'Mairon' in our, uh, era.
Oh no.
If he hasn't done anything wrong yet it seems very difficult to - but with magic he could do so much harm -
- the Valar say they find it very convincing that they shoudn't parole Melkor, for what that's worth.
Will I be able to bring you over soon? I miss you. I haven't even tried talking to the you here - he moved south when Melkor was paroled, I don't want to scare him - wouldn't be the same anyway, I am getting really sick of there being copies of my friends except they haven't known me for twenty years.
I think we could probably come over now unless we want to petition the Valar again about Mairon.
I worry they'll mishandle it in some way that tips him off but killing him would be irreversible and maybe he hasn't done anything and won't if Melkor is never released.
Killing him might not be irreversible, actually? Uh, if we do it the same way as we just did here, which obviously needs to be less reversible for some people but does at least work for the time being. They had a thing from a Velgarth that sucked all the Ainur around into the Void and they had Olórin deploy it but I got him back out.
Well if you want to kidnap Mairon into the Void in that fashion instead of talking to the Valar then - I guess it burns more bridges here but they're already pretty thoroughly burned and it'd mean we didn't have to worry he will grab Melkor back.
I will look into whether the weapon can be reused or if we have to get it from the other Velgarth or what.
Be safe, Bella. You are very important and we don't know what would happen if you died.
Yeah, I should probably be in another universe while they do it if I can finesse the timing for that.
I miss you too.
Maitimo? In my world Sauron's going by 'Mairon' and attended wizardry lectures.
- that seems very bad. I suggest we loop in Vanyel and Leareth and maybe just plan to Void him - would he know your spell for fetching people from another dimension -
No, I invented it since I was banished, but he could have developed his own if he had reason to want one.
And now he probably has reason to want one - and he reaches out for Vanyel and Leareth to copy them on what Bella just said.
:Does he have a way of knowing that- I suppose yes, you told the Valar we were killing Melkor. Does he have a way of knowing the specific mechanism of the weapon, yet, because if not we should absolutely keep that a secret from everyone in the other Arda, and if so we have a very urgent problem, depending on how long spell development works:
No, they weren't told we were killing him. They were told that in another Arda paroling him led to him fomenting conflict within Valinor before running off to start a new torture fortress but I didn't update them on war footing intel. It could still startle Mairon into doing something but not quite that much.
Might conceivably inspire him to want to come join in the war here, which would be a different problem.
Right. The original interplanar teleport took me months but he might be faster if he's been hiding other research or just being a Maia helps a lot. Doing a smaller spell pivot takes me about a week.
:I think we should keep recent news well secured - if the only path to communication between the worlds is you, that ought to be easier, but I think you should make sure that any Quendi you told over there are on the same page about maintaining operational security:
Pause. :I am not sure if you have a feasible spying route to discover whether he has been researching inter-world transit already? He might have been, since he knew of their existence already:
Fëanáro has an earcuff like mine. I guess maybe he should break the enchantment on it. It's possible he's been researching it if he wanted to go to Materia but until recently it and its allied planes would be the only other worlds he'd have heard of, and all of them prohibit science, and spell development is much harder if you can't do science even if we assume he can otherwise unproblematically come and go.
:I am somewhat worried about your Fëanáro having an earcuff and also being in the same world as Sauron, well, Mairon, even it it is not that likely he would attempt to steal it or that your Fëanáro would break secrecy if specifically asked not to. Also I think there is a significant difference between 'if we have an information leak, Sauron can immediately turn up here' versus 'will begin urgent spell research', even if he is faster it would presumably still take him days if not weeks? That is why it would be valuable to know if he has already created such a spell, though I am not sure there is a route to finding this out without, for example, kidnapping Mairon:
Since Maiar can't sense me when I'm shielding I can check on him. That doesn't tell me where he physically is unless he's leaving a sense public but he might not bother to privatize them if he's in another world where no one has osanwë anyway, it's worth a look, I think.