Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
Cute foals through Sayshen's eyes! There are three of them, they're very tiny, a couple of giggling local girls have braided ribbons into their manes, and they're chasing each other in circles around the field.
Awwww so small.
Next time she calls Vanyel to check in she tells him Leareth's summarizing some material on shielding for more efficient earcuff-based transfer (since I'm a little skittish about lending it out.)
:That makes sense. We also, er, had a proposal to offer you, if this is something you're able to do: Short pause. :You're claiming to have an inter-world teleport spell but we don't in fact have proof of that, yet, since we can't walk into Angband and check that Leareth is really gone. But, um, if you're done checking the spell, and you can just teleport a person the way you contacted me if you've met another them - you and the young Fëanáro should have met a Ninquë who was an advisor of Finwë's, and if that's all it takes, you have our permission to grab him and then he can see your Velgarth and Arda directly and we'll know you actually can transport people that way:
I have a spell that calls people to me from a distance, and I have an interplanar teleport that takes me and passengers, but I don't have a combination spell right now. I can work one out but it would be an opportunity cost.
Right. I developed that spell and its reverse to allow people to visit loved ones between Valinor and Endorë, at first it didn't transport the caster at all. Fëanáro came up with a teleport that the caster could use to get around, and I grabbed that, and the interplanar transit spell is more like that than the older versions. I can still smash 'em together and get one that works like you have in mind but I'm not even done with all the error checking yet - if there were no time constraints at all I'd really like to redesign the spell from the ground up and try to get it so it has no failure rate at all because, uh, it dropped me in Angband.
:That's a pretty bad problem for a spell to have! Hmm. I'm going to have to think more about how we can verify this if we can't do it that way, but - in theory, could you do the interplanar transit version to get yourself to a place you've been in Valinor, except in our Arda - and then transit one of us back with you to our Velgarth - and then do the in-world teleport version to send them to a place we'd been but you hadn't, and retrieve them, and then go back to our Arda?:
:All right. Thank you. I guess let us know when you're done error checking, then? Or when your local Leareth is done making up a summary:
:Er, I have no idea who that is, one moment: Pause for ten seconds. :I'm told he moved south and stopped having any involvement in politics when Melkor was paroled:
(Vanyel is curious about the context there but doesn't ask.)
:Do you have any other news?:
:I hope so! All right, I don't think I have anything else right now, but maybe you can contact us in a week or when you have an update on the error checking or the magic summary, whichever comes first?:
Leareth is reading a book in an unfamiliar language, but sets it down when he hears her footsteps. Waits.
(It turns out that reading is hard right now, he's very tired and concentrating on it for longer than a minute makes his head hurt, so he's mostly been reading for thirty seconds at a time and then waiting for the boredom to outweigh the tiredness again.)
:I am finishing something, but can be there soon if you think my presence is helpful: the local Leareth informs her from a distance.
I'm not sure, I'll try without and see what happens. She lets herself into Angband Leareth's room.
Huh, she did come back. Leareth watches her, trying to retrieve what they were actually talking about, before... Oh, right, she made him taste colours, and then left.
"Are you reading my mind again."