Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
"That makes sense. Healers' would be really glad to have you back. Maybe you can ask local Leareth about it with the earcuff? Oh, and sure, you can have my mana."
Yoink. Hey, Leareth, is it possible I should move back into Haven at least while we're having things very boring for your, uh, alt?
:That does make sense. You have valuable work to do there, and less here. I would feel more comfortable if you were contactable in an emergency, but I suppose I can reach the local Vanyel with my usual communication spell, now that we have met:
Yeah, that makes sense. I'll make sure my room hasn't been reassigned yet and stuff and if that's all ready now I'll grab Sayshen and check in with you - once a day?
:I care more that it be a consistent time than when exactly, but - two candlemarks after dawn?:
Melody is at the centre station talking to Aber. She turns. "Bella! I wasn't expecting you back for ages - did something go wrong?"
"Yes, my spell mistargeted! I don't know yet if it was a freak accident or a mistake in the design, though it did get me back to Velgarth all right. I thought I'd see if my room was still available so I can do something useful and be somewhere familiar while I work on that?"
"You shouldn't take any recurring Mindhealing patients, then, but I've got a pile of people who're probably going to be one-offs given our, er, personnel shortage, if you're up for helping with that."
"Did you end up doing some sightseeing in wherever it was you landed by accident, then?"
"Uh. No. Uh, so, funny story, actually, it turns out there's an entire other Velgarth and an entire other Arda, and they're both - later? Plus they're undisturbed by me. The Arda's later by more than the Velgarth which is just a few years along. And in that time the Valar pardoned their imprisoned torture-happy counterpart and guess what he went right back to doing, but I recognized the aesthetic and got right out of there with the nearest prisoner."
"What? Oh no. That's not actually funny at all, sorry, I do know what you meant..." Melody lifts a hand to tug at her collar, then rubs her eyes. "Goodness. I hope you told the Valar in your Arda to definitely never do that. Anyway, where were you for the last day, then? Would've thought you'd come back here."
"I told my friends to tell the Valar. They're awaiting an audience, which might take a while but probably won't take long enough for Melkor to be pardoned in the meanwhile. I brought the rescued prisoner up to Leareth's place."
"Huh! What an odd thought. Oh, I didn't quite follow, where does the other Velgarth come into this? Did the me from that Velgarth end up in the horrible Arda somehow?"
"I don't know what the you is up to but the other Velgarth is in contact with the other Arda."