Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
:Right: Vanyel doesn't actually have any idea who that is, but doesn't feel like getting into it. :So, it sounds like the next thing we should expect is to hear from you again with news on your teleport spell, or for our Fëanáro to hear from, er, the tiny one:
:Nobody else who's very key to the war effort has died or been captured since what happened to Leareth - which was about five months ago, if that matters. We're holding our ground and we have options. Oh, and, um, Leareth did some magic for Melkor. A handful of Gates. Months ago, and then stopped and we haven't seen any more sign of it, we don't know why, but that's some indication he was, well, compromised by him:
:...If you manage to find out whether he did any more that we haven't seen the results of yet, please do let us know:
I'll ask my Leareth, he's been taking point on the reading his alternate universe self.
:Makes sense. I think that's all? But, er, this was pretty surprising so I might've missed things. Do you think you could check back in a day, maybe?:
:I think I already know that I cannot obtain an answer on whether he did additional magic. His memories of everything after he was captured are - rather sparse, actually, and everything is sort of jumbled in a very odd way. Nayoki thinks that a number of his memories have been removed, or covered up, she is not sure how:
I can probably put the missing memories back. I don't see a reason to expect Melkor to be better at obscuring them than Mandos, and I have practice undoing Mandos's work.
:That would be very helpful. Nayoki was not sure if she could do it at all, much less in less than several years: A pause. :I do worry that it is - doing things to him, and I think I agree it would be better if we could just leave him alone and let everything be very boring for a while, but also there is potentially time-sensitive information in there:
How about I go in and tell him I'm going to put his memories back and see if that freaks him out especially?
On the one hand, this is not very unexpected, it's one of the established plot beats, even if it's the strange maybe-Herald who dresses like Quendi offering it instead of someone taking him to Lórien; it doesn't have the extra terror of being completely new and different. It's not worth being curious about and it doesn't matter one way or another, since it's not like he has any way of judging if the memories are real ones (on priors they aren't, but going off that is dangerously close to reasoning about it.)
On the other hand, it is an established plot beat and that means more things are going to happen. Maybe. It's not like he can especially predict the future from the present.
Leareth doesn't respond in any way. He's some amount more scared, but not to the extent of fully panicking about it.
He's not super panicky about it, just generally anxious.
She starts sweeping away memory fog. Sweepsweepsweep.
...That is new and different - well, maybe, maybe not, he knows Melkor has been messing with his memories, that's why it isn't safe to take actions or have goals or reason about the world. But he doesn't remember anything like this, and it's not any kind of Velgarth magic.
He can float for a while, repeatedly not having preferences about what's going to happen, but he is gradually getting more panicky about the situation.
:Hmm. Your subtle arts might be alarming, since they are not something this version of me would know of, but in that case I would expect it to be more of a sudden spike when you started. Though, it is difficult to model myself under such different circumstances so I am not sure my predictions here are reliable:
He thinks for a moment. :I could come read him again but that is likely to make him more anxious. You have my permission to look at more things if it might help figure it out, since you are doing things anyway:
If you say so.
"You're getting more anxious. I have the other Leareth's permission to use my ability to find out why to see if I can help; you can contradict him if you want, but I don't expect you to believe me, I'm just letting you know."
In which case she'll observe Leareth going through several cycles of noticing that something happening near him is surprising-or-confusing (in this case, her talking to him), on one level being alarmed about this, while on another level repeatedly stepping on any attempt to interpret said confusion, or care one way or another whether the surroundings are alarming. This is a fine moment, he's not being tortured right now, which doesn't offer any prediction about the next moment but making predictions isn't safe. Not safe to reason, not safe to have preferences or goals, definitely not safe to take actions but he's trying to cut it off as early in the stack as possible. There's quite a lot of cognitive effort going into that, actually.
Still, on an instinctive level Leareth can't help being scared that things are happening nearby, things which don't make sense, and probably at some point one of them is going to be bad.
He is very firmly trying not to have preferences about that, in addition to not answering her.