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book 6 Vanyel meets pathfinder
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Any of those things!


He'll wind-vortex almost all of them out into the main area and trap them in a mage-barrier until the summoning ends. The rest can be stepped on while they start exploring the throne room. 


This throne room has tapestries whose preservation spells were not up to the task of keeping them intact for five thousand years and a throne with an honestly tasteless amount of gold and some amazingly elaborate chandelier strung above the whole thing, glittering with diamonds, still lit by magic. 


That's honestly very impressive. "I don't think any magic from my world would last five thousand years." 


"This may in fact be new evidence on the question of how permanent permanent lights are." Mahdi is looking admiringly at the chandelier. "No idea how I'd get it back intact, though. Damn it, if I weren't going to retire I'd just say that this will be my wizard tower."


"Are you really sure you're gonna retire. There are other worlds. There is a research project you get to be the first person on."



"I want a family." He shakes his head. "Probably we should cut it down but it can wait, in case we think of a way to move it or use it while it's here."


Vanyel looks speculatively at the chandelier. "I could maybe find all the relevant parts with mage-sight, and float it while I cut the stone around it, and then you could teleport it or we could Gate it back? It'd take all afternoon though, I vote we leave it for now and come back. Anyway, why can't you be a wizard and have a family too?" 


"You can be a wizard but you can't really be an adventurer, the death rate makes you a pretty unsuitable candidate for marriage."


"All right, that's fair. Heralds have a pretty high death rate too." 


"Do you typically marry?"


"Not very typically, no. Sometimes. Heralds have relationships with other Heralds, sometimes, but - it's really rare to have children, and given that, I think a lot of them prefer to skip the marriage part." 


"- do you have some way of not having children? If a man and a woman lie together, I mean."


"...Yes? This isn't, um, something I'm personally knowledgeable about. There's a herb, it's not perfectly reliable but it works all right if you take it correctly. I understand there are - ways a man can bed a woman that don't risk pregnancy. Also, our Healers can sense, and end, a pregnancy when it's very, very small, a week in or less, way before there's anything there a Thoughtsenser can feel. Most Heralds are pretty fine with that." Shrug. "I think in many parts of Valdemar, though, that...isn't available to most women." 


"That's not available anywhere in Osirion."


"Well, blowjobs are."


"It would make sense that in a culture where that was widely available and it was rare for anyone to bear children men and women would have similar roles and not marry. Seems - tragic, though."


"I mean, the Heralds are a hundred and fifty people out of all of Valdemar and we spend most of our lives fighting in its defence. Ordinary Valdemarans usually marry. I suppose it's a bit tragic, although mostly the fighting and dying young part, and the fact that some Heralds probably would want children if they hadn't been Chosen." 


"It's not voluntary?"


"...It's complicated. Most people are really happy to be Chosen, it's - a great honour - and people do refuse it, I know someone who has, but - it's rare. I was barely even conscious when I was Chosen, long story..." Not one he really wants to get into. 




"Let's hit another throne room."


"Sure, sounds good." 


The throne room of the Cerulean Pharaoh contains the usual traps which respond well to the usual handling and then a dragon of mist and vapors, which streams towards them with its mouth bared, hissing.


Vanyel has LOTS of shields up. How does the dragon appear to mage-sight? 

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