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book 6 Vanyel meets pathfinder
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Goodness. That's more creative. Vanyel describes them to the others. "Mahdi, Fazil, you know anything about countering these? If not I'll do it the same way as before, thirty paces back under shields and hope for the best." Can he figure out the area of effect from looking at the spell-strength? 


"I'd send in summoned creatures, honestly."


"Oh, right, that's a thing. Can you summon them? I don't think I can, unless there's a spell technique I can learn for it." 


"I can, yes." He completes a spell and casts it - this one seems to take a bit more finishing work than usual - and then there are four dogs. "And...Unseen Servant. It can open the door, we can hang back, then the dogs can go check out the room. - and go right back to Axis if they die horribly."


"Maybe once the door is open I can Farsee what they're up to, having a door open often leaves a gap for Velgarth shields. I'm sort of amazed they shield against Farsight, since it's a Gift from another world, but I guess maybe it's meant to catch scrying." 

Are any of the protections on the door actually locking it, right now, or is it just horrible traps? 


The door is in fact also locked.


Well, he'd better deal with that first then. Very very carefully.

If there's a lock mechanism that isn't magical, Vanyel also has Fetching and can fiddle with it. 


There is a magic lock and a normal lock that is not particularly hard to fiddle with.


Vanyel handles both and then backs off with the others and shields them. 


Mahdi opens the door. Traps discharge, and swing around searching for more and more distant targets when they don't find nearby ones; eventually they variously disintegrate, teleport, or kick-into-the-future the dogs. 


And as the door swings open it kicks off a summoning spell that looks much like the one Mahdi used to fetch the dogs.


And a creature appears in the room. She has features that are distorted but not exactly ugly, bright red skin, and bat wings that are at least ten feet across, which catch her as she appears in the room and before she hits the ground.




"Protection from Evil."



Mage-sight, what is it? "Do you recognize it," he asks the others. "Is this a 'Gate out now' emergency or should we try fighting it." Or talking, if he can pull it off. 


"That's a devil, it's from Hell, we can take it, it's summoned so it'll go back to Hell once we kill it,  it's vulnerable to Good-aligned weapons and spells and we should maybe have checked whether you can do that," he says, while firing at it. 


The winged woman tries flying towards them, encounters Vanyel's shield, and Teleports right up to his face in case this will mean the shield is no longer in her way. Then she tries to decapitate him with the magic axes she is wielding in both hands.


Vanyel dives for the floor; he's got personal shields just covering himself as well, at full power, against both physical and magical attacks, but those are magic axes and magic weapons have gotten through his shields before. 

He tries flinging a levinbolt at the devil. 


This seems to injure her but not nearly as badly as it should! She turns to attack Mahdi with the axes instead.


He Dimension Doors into the room behind her.


Can he Fetch the axes out of her hands into one of the neighbouring rooms. 


Yes, he can do that; she snarls and whirls around to - gore him with a horn that is suddenly growing out of her head. 


Is nobody else interesting in dealing any damage here - well, Fazil and Mahdi mostly have spells for Elemental Plane of Water adventuring -


Vanyel is more sure his shields can hold that off. He can try stabbing her with a dagger of pure force. :'Fandes, ask them what in all hells they mean by 'good-aligned' spells: He's a little too busy for conversation. 


Yfandes, on the surface, can relay the question and then the answer back to Vanyel. 


Good, Law, Chaos, and Evil are forms that you can shape magic in. They are the best to use against Evil outsiders. Probably we'll have to show Van outside combat what we mean by that, it seems hard to derive on the fly.  Other stuff is going to hurt them much less, but not none, throwing a lot of those electricity bolts will probably work fine and throwing a few electricity bolts that are much stronger will work better. 


Oh, well, if it's just power he can strain to reach that node again, and throw a levinbolt that's about ten times stronger. 

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