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book 6 Vanyel meets pathfinder
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He can shoot arrows way way faster than an archer in Vanyel's world could do that, apparently, and has a quiver with fifteen different kinds. Exactly one of them can go through Vanyel's hemisphere of force, because it turns into a bolt of light as it leaves his bow and remains that way until it hits the target. 

"Those are super expensive, though. If I end up doing stuff in Velgarth I'll probably just get a bow that always fires that kind of arrow. Which is also super expensive but at least it'd be a one-off."


"Well, if we're stuck inside a shield under attack and you need to shoot something, I can let things through from the inside, you'd just have to ask me." 


"Cool. My arrows do nonlethal damage by default. So you know."


"Huh. That's neat, but I'm confused as to how that can be a property of the arrow as opposed to where you hit someone." 


"It is a spell you can get laid on the arrows or on the bow, same as the light one. They hurt and they'll knock you unconscious but they won't kill you."


"That's a very weird thing to be able to do with magic!" Vanyel yawns. "Sorry. Should start settling in for the night, probably. Um, if we're sleeping outdoors I can curl up with Yfandes and then I shouldn't wake you two even if I..." 


"I don't get magic from sleeping, don't worry about it."


It still seems rude. Vanyel shrugs and starts unpacking his bedroll. He's going to get sand in it, he doesn't have a good spell to avoid that, but it's by far not the worst sleeping conditions he's endured recently. 


And they can figure out a watch order and then sleep.


And Vanyel falls asleep...

...and wakes up in a snow-swept pass. 


"Herald Vanyel." 


He wasn't expecting this! At all! Which was stupid of him!

"Leareth." He crosses the snow. 


"You seem distracted." 


What a goddamned understatement. 

...Also it doesn't feel like there's much point in maintaining infosec about this from Leareth. Probably he can't get to this world at all, and if he can the local gods will neatly prevent him from causing havoc, and Vanyel is increasingly leaning toward the belief that Leareth actually doesn't want to cause havoc and is genuinely attempting to fix things. 

"I've had an adventurous few days." 


Leareth waits for a few seconds. "Say more?" 


Okay is this really a good idea - well, he was planning to tell Randi, in fact he was hoping to do a Sending about it, Leareth would probably find out sooner or later... Also he's not sure Leareth will believe him. He feels like he's forgetting something, though - oh, maybe it's that Leareth might well find this place once he has more information, especially if it's really on the 'other side' of the same Elemental Plane of Air. And he would be extremely motivated to do so...

On the other hand, Vanyel really doesn't think much of his chances of hiding something this huge from Leareth for years, and it's not like him learning of it now is much worse than two years from now. He'll leave out a lot, is all. 

"I discovered that other worlds exist," he says. 


Ten seconds of perfect stillness. 

"...You discovered what." 


"I know, it's implausible and I'm honestly not expecting you to believe me - er, I'm not comfortable sending costly proof, right now. But I got caught in some sort of trap spell and now I'm in another world. Different gods. The country I'm in right now has a god who seems very interested in economics. Everything is about trade. I had the thought several times that you'd appreciate it." 


"Hmm." Leareth's face is unreadable. 


"It's a really nice country in a lot of ways! Horrible in other ways, though. They have slaves, and women are basically not considered people." 


"I see." 


"Also the afterlife situation is different. There's magic to talk to people there, and at least one you can visit. They collect figures on it - they have a lot of different afterlives, better and worse ones, people get sorted there because of how they acted while alive. Supposedly the, er, social mores here result in better afterlife statistics or something." 




"Figured there was no point in not telling you, although I won't tell you everything." Sigh. "I had...been thinking, before this happened. About wanting to speak more openly. Figure out if we can build on it." 


"To work toward trust." 

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