we miss swimmer so we did this
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"Well, I hope they go and find you and - give you the chance to try to figure out what's worth steering and in which direction. ....do you think Telumë would lifebond to you -"


"Uh, not me-me, since I'm taken, but Other Belrun, maybe? I think gods have to do that manually so probably not unless your timeline is a test of a very complicated intervention."


"I think they're past toying with Telumë and just try to kill him every time they see him at this point."


"Yeah, then they probably don't set him up with a lifebond - our initial guess was that they were going to assassinate me and hope that lasted longer than killing him but no murder attempt materialized."


"Huh. Well. Good skill with continuing to be alive. And - much happiness, I guess, with the lifebond."


"It's reasonably pleasant as mind control goes when I'm not learning about atrocities he's committed but, oh well, not the first time that's happened!"


He giggles, a little. "I'm sorry. I appreciated your help, a lot. I hope your world goes much better than ours."


"Thank you."




He leaves the next day. He takes a guide. He tells Elrond he's going for Círdan's. Talks the guide around once they're a few days outside Imladris; he wants to go live in a city of men, actually, not one where people associate his face and his name with crimes that in his world never happened. 

Calls out, every night, with osanwë, to the person he loves most in the world. I am here. Come and find me.


Leareth's lifebonded was gone.

Valdemar had sent a message right away, Gating a letter to the northern border along with Belrun's Companion, Amshalan, who had witnessed her disappearing, and definitely not being kidnapped or harmed by the Valdemaran leadership. Leareth had been sure within a day that Belrun wasn't in Velgarth at all. Finding a specific person with magic wasn't trivial, but he known he might have to in an emergency, and the lifebond helped. From the start, though, both he and Amshalan had suspected she was a lot further away than they could account for.

(In any other circumstances, Leareth might have had a harder time working with a Companion of Valdemar. Amshalan wasn't like other Companions, though, and this out of any circumstances was set up to bring them closer to each other.) 

Tracing the creature that had taken her proved futile, still, the lifebond still offered a signal – faint, distant, but it gave him a direction to search. It took a week of frantic research, on his part and directing a lot of his people's efforts toward it, to track where she had gone, and to find a way of following her. The simplest way there, oddly enough, was a Gate. It just had to route along a very weird and specific path through several planes, and then...elsewhere. Reminiscent of some research avenues he'd been occasionally poking at, actually, which was interesting. 

Leareth passed on a message to Valdemar, that he was seeking Belrun and intended to take her Companion as well, and then he raised a Gate. 


A person shaped like a white horse followed him through. :Um, where...are we...? It's pretty, I guess, there's that: 

And she and Leareth both try to Mindspeak Belrun at the same time. 


Belrun has been trying to pick up the local language so she can read, and looks up from her alphabet. :! I'm okay, I'm over here - I'm coming -:

:Elrond, Leareth and Amshalan are here:


I noticed their arrival! We'll be right over.



And an Elf approaches. He looks very very unamused at Leareth and nods respectfully at the horse.


Belrun comes out as quickly as she can, which isn't especially.


(Amshalan would totally break the unspoken rule that Companions never let anyone but their Heralds ride them, and give Leareth a lift to Belrun, but now someone's come out to talk to them and they had better be polite.) 


Leareth is very confused as to why the stranger looks so much less happy to see him than Amshalan.

...Probably the stranger doesn't speak his language. He tries Mindspeech. :I apologize for arriving unexpectedly. I was seeking my lifebonded partner, Belrun, who vanished from our world a week ago. I am very glad she is here and unharmed; thank you: 


The stranger still looks so unimpressed with him. She told us to expect you, he says coolly. This place is Imladris.


:Thank you: He waits for a few beats. :...Have I done something to offend you?: It's awkward to ask, but it seems worse to keep doing it out of ignorance, he is in a very foreign land. 


I think Belrun was planning to explain the situation and will be able to do so shortly. You are permitted within Imladris and can expect safety here, as much as anywhere in this world.


Well, he can wait for that explanation, then. :This is Amshalan, Belrun's Companion, who I assume she spoke of:


:I'm a person despite being horse-shaped: Amshalan offers helpfully. 


Welcome to Imladris. I hope you're comfortable here.


Belrun appears at the top of the hill and holds out her arms.


Then Leareth will head for her at a run, and scoop her into a hug as soon as he reaches her, while Amshalan nuzzles up against both of them. :You have no idea– actually, I suspect you have a very good idea how much I missed you. Are you well?: 


:I'm safe, it's nice here and the people are friendly, but, uh, things are weird:

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