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"Is that right? Well, I trust everyone in my city, so while I would have been very confused if some other random neighbour jumped up to my window right as I was inviting you over, I would not exactly have been in danger."


"But what if I was a bear. You cannot possibly trust all of the local bears."


"Bears do not generally have Quendi-shaped silhouettes. Besides, Foundation would ensure it slipped and fell if it were intending to harm me." 


Hug. "Do you want me to sing you to sleep? Or just hold you?"


"Maybe just hold me. If I fall asleep too quickly I will not be able to appreciate it properly."


"A good point." He climbs into Telumë's bed and reaches out for him.


And Telumë slips into his arms. It feels oddly more like coming home than entering his house has for the last decade. 


Wantwantwant -

"I'm really kind of annoyed with the empathy bond. I apologize for it being very rude. I firmly intend to hold you and watch you fall asleep and do nothing else. - maybe nibble on your ear a tiny bit, once. But immediately afterwards make a joke so it doesn't change the mood."


"It is all right. I like that you want me. That is - not the scary part." 


"You're scared that you will want me back. And if you do, I will tell you no, not tonight, and be very pleased with myself because I have never done that before in my life and I think it'll be good for me."


Awww. Telumë closes his eyes and snuggles up close in Maitimo's arms and focuses on how happy he is that for such a long time he didn't have this and now he does, and that would be enough, all by itself - he can want more, eventually, but Maitimo is here and loves him and wants him to be safe and happy, and that's enough.

Nobody knows this fact because nobody has actually slept in the same bed as Telumë ever in the last decade, but it turns out that he makes very cute noises as he's falling asleep. 



Hopefully this JOY and AFFECTION and DELIGHT will not wake him up.


It makes him wiggle a bit and make sleepy happy noises which are even cuter but then he does fall asleep the rest of the way, relaxed and breathing slowly. 


Maitimo will not keep his attention here with Telumë all night (there are eyes to look through, things to get done) but he will keep his actual physical body here cuddling him until he wakes up.


He wasn't expecting that, and it's - confusing, at first, he comes half-awake and tenses because there's something unexplained and different from usual, and then relaxes again because it's okay, it's better than okay, and he twists around in Maitimo's arms and snuggles up against him. Good morning!


- do you wish me a good morning or mean that it will be good whether I wish it or not - Olórin is still dead but probably not forever, no one has to be dead forever - this is not snuggly conversation at all - 

Good morning! You make adorable noises when falling asleep.


Do I? I was unaware of that! I suppose I am not sure who else would notice. 


He sends them, along with a great deal of affection.


I suppose that is adorable. It is also very ridiculous. You had better not go around telling people or it will ruin my dignified reputation. 


Are you telling me I have blackmail material? I want to cash it in for...breakfast. Fruit and a pastry. If you arrange this I will keep your terrible secret.


Fine, I suppose that you have sufficient blackmail material on me to demand breakfast. I will go see if I have either of those here. He disentangles himself, with some reluctance, and gets up. 


He stretches out in Telumë's bed and - a flash of emotions that must be tied to a memory he doesn't even have, because every time he remembers watching Telumë get out of bed and go away has been fine -


Telumë stops in the doorway, glances back. Are you all right? 


Yeah, of course, sorry. I don't even - that didn't have any attached reference at all, I don't know what it was, but I'm fine.


It was probably something you do not remember, then. We ought to go through all of those memories at some point. It's not that ridiculous a quantity, even, six months of seeing Maitimo every week or two, or even less often. And the weeks of interrogations, of course, they should go over that even though it sounds miserable and stressful for both of them. Anyway, I love you and I promise I am about to come back, with breakfast. 

And he's indeed back several minutes later. 

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