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war for velgarth
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" - yes. I didn't think about that, I'm sorry. I am not pursuing a relationship with your husband. He was - really relieved to hear that Mandos is being sensible and people are starting to come back and people don't all hate him or anything - and I think he needed some hugs, very badly. He said you talk sometimes, in dreams?"


"Yes. That is one of the marriage blessings." Awww apparently he's kind of disappointed that they're not pursuing a relationship, he still feels bad about that, but he can see why there's an argument that he and Maitimo should, perhaps, discuss that with each other first. "I did tell him several times that I was almost certain not everyone would hate him, but I suppose it would be more convincing coming from you, since you were just with everyone. - how are the others?" 


"Maitimo's immediate family is mostly not back yet. We're up to about half of everyone else, though. There's a lot we lost, but - I think people are okay, for the most part. It has been expressed to me several times that we had better not ever have to do it again, so, I hope you like your god. ...Maitimo says he's much better than the Valar but also Maitimo wants to murder all the Valar so that's a low bar, there."


"Half! That is more than I had expected. And - we do. It went about as well as it possibly could have. We are not going to fix all of the things instantly because Velgarth deities are somewhat slow; I think Foundation is faster, due to actually being able to talk to us, but nonetheless. The only reason we needed to do what we did was because of the time sensitivity. I think at this point, even if Melkor were to somehow return himself from the Void, we have a strong enough alliance of Powers here in Velgarth, with enough ability to run Foresight on Arda's magic," he has answered so many questions about it, "that we could win such a war without further sacrifices of that kind." 


"Good. I - know everyone did the best they possibly could, with the situation we were facing." Does Telumë want a hug?


Definitely! "I am very glad you are back. I have missed your - common sense." 

(Another reason he thinks Findekáno and Maitimo should obviously keep having a relationship, assuming Maitimo wants to but Telumë would be very confused if he didn't, is because Fëanáro did have that particular piece of advice, and he is pretty sure neither of him nor Maitimo is very well equipped with common sense because if they were they would not currently be married.) 


"It is good to be back. 

Are you and Maitimo planning to at any point talk things out? Are you both waiting for the other person to do that?"


"...I hope we are going to? I was waiting for him to feel ready to do that and - I am pretty sure I said so to him at least once but it is possible it was more than eight years ago. We do talk, in the dreams... Did it seem as though he wanted to?" 


"He said he is waiting for something that will convince him he's ready but he doesn't know what it is. I am not sure the waiting is doing anything for him. It seems worth having a conversation about, at least."


"Thank you for telling me." He wonders when they'll next have the dream. It follows a less predictable pattern than the one with Vanyel all those years ago, although it's happened before soon after significant occasions. "What do you think of our city, by the way? I - find I miss Tirion, the dream is there and - Foundation's Foresight is reminiscent of it. I wished to build something that would be different, but still a reminder of it."  


"It's lovely. It'll be - really good for him, I think. He's got a beautiful cottage in the woods but he's not really a cottage in the woods sort of person."


"No, that was never the impression I got either. We have plenty of people here. I am fairly sure that none of them would hate him!" It feels a bit more like Arda. More...trusting, not all the way there - he's not sure he wants a world that's all the way there - but moreso than Velgarth before. 


"I think that you are the important one."


"Well, I hope he is aware at this point that I do not hate him. I have tried to be quite clear about that." 


"The thing he said was that, uh, he was sure he'd hurt you quite badly but didn't remember any of the relevant interactions and accordingly considered the ball to be in your court if you wanted him to form opinions about them."


"I suppose if it ever seems like a good idea to discuss that..." Honestly it probably is, it did affect him significantly, he spend years noticing just how much. "I will talk to him next time we have the dream, and see what he wants to do at this point." 


"All right. Do you want to show me the city -"


"Yes!" And they can walk around for a while and look at everything, see the view of icebergs in the northern sea from the tallest tower. Everyone in the city seems to know Telumë, and they smile at him and he smiles back.

There aren't any shrines to Foundation, because Foundation doesn't actually need that here. 


Probably at some point he should meet Foundation but he wants to focus on meeting this older, somewhat stabler Telumë first.


And a couple of nights later Telumë wakes up in a beautiful squash field. (At this point, in the dream, he no longer ends up slipping back into Leareth's face and body, it took a few years to switch over but it eventually did.) 

He smiles. Starts walking. He finds that he's very much looking forward to the look on Maitimo's face, whatever it ends up being. 


He is waiting for him at the gates. Singing.


One of the things Telumë has been able to prioritize, after they won the war and things were a bit less hurried and Foundation kept telling him to take time for things other than work, is learning to sing better, so he can join in with harmony for a bit, he's not nearly as good as the average Quendi (or Vanyel and Stef) but he's a pretty good singer for a human at this point. 


"Good! I just showed off the capital city of our country to Findekáno and he was at least moderately impressed. And you? I felt - you were very happy..." 


"He visited! We didn't - uh, but possibly we should talk about - Mandos didn't fix him. I had been expecting that Mandos would fix him, he usually does do that."

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