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Jinx & Mark in Runeterra
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"See you!"

Off to disarm bombs!


Breaking through security at one of the cutting-edge labs. Temporarily blinding automated turrets. Disassembling a covertly planted explosive. Smuggling all the bits and pieces back out over the exterior wall. Buying some bagels for next morning's breakfast, and dropping them off at the apartment along with all the extra plastic explosive. Back out again to one of the other warehouses. Slipping past a terminally bored nightwatchman. Snipping a few key wires and slipping the bomb into her hoodie pocket. More shopping. (Idain deserves a special gift. Let's not go the way that went last night, though. She'll just spend a little time searching the night markets...)


Ruava is back at the apartment well before Jinx's final return.

Bread and explosives! And... hm...


Jayce sticks his head out of the bedroom. 

"... Well, this is awkward."


"Idain's new friend! Hi! I'm Ruava. Is there a particular reason you're breaking into my girlfriend's apartment?"


"Piltover police got an anonymous tip about a bomb planted in one of my buildings. The caller said the perpetrator was Jinx, going incognito with undyed hair, and that she was living in this apartment. I keep tabs on things like bombs found in my buildings, so I got that call almost directly." 

Jayce waves a hand at the explosives on the table, the metal boxes on the floor, and Jinx's two extremely heavy weapons still lying on the couch. 

"It sure looks like this is where Jinx lives to me, and that she's been messing with bombs."


With absolutely no hint of shame, Ruava dumps her haul of plastic explosive on top of what's already on the table.

"Yeah, we've been dismantling them all afternoon."


"... And that's why I squashed that tip before it got to the police. Because this definitely smells like a more complex situation than Vi should ever be handed." 

He frowns. 

"Wait... Are you Idain's twin sister or something?"


"Approximately!" she agrees. "Nice to meet you, I've heard good things."


"I'm... Glad to hear it?" 

Jayce taps his fingertips together. 

"... Sorry, I'm just having interesting thoughts at the moment. Am I right that Idain is dating Jinx?"


"...Let's say that's a complicated question."


"... Would this have something to do with her having to save the victims of her girlfriend's bombing yesterday?"


She raises her eyebrows.

"They actually hadn't met before then, so no. Anyway, yesterday was an accident. And Idain saved everybody so it all turned out fine."


Jayce nods. 

"... That does actually fit with my picture of Jinx's personality..."


"She's a sweetie."


"I will admit that this is not exactly how I imagined her living."


"No? Where does it depart from your vision?"


Jayce looks around at the room. 

"... The extremely snuggly blankets rather clash."


"Coziness is important."


"It's just... It's hard for me to think of Jinx as somebody who actually needs sleep, you know? Girl seems more like a force of nature, honestly."


"We forces of nature enjoy coziness as much as anybody else!" she says with a sunny grin.


Jayce tilts his head, then nods seriously.


"I have to say I'm curious what you think of all this. It must look completely bizarre from the outside."


"... Well, I'm pretty sure you were the person who Jinx took on her break-in day before yesterday, not Idain. And I'll buy that the explosion was accidental. But as for how you, Jinx, and Idain all actually relate to each other..." 

Jayce throws his hands in the air. 

"Nothing makes sense. You or your not-really-identical-sister is living here with Jinx. Probably you, because you're the one who's dating her. Except apparently she's sort of dating Idain as well? But then where does Idain sleep? Does she have another apartment somewhere? How's she avoiding being mobbed by reporters? She's been here recently, Jinx made sketches of both her and you..." 

Jayce blinks. 

"Wait. Wait just a second."



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