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Jinx & Mark in Runeterra
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...she smiles. "Yes, do that."


Shove shove shove. It turns out one of those beanbags is hiding a box with a big piece of crystal along one side. A little bit of fiddling with dials, and - 


There is now a robot looking out from the box. In synthesized tones, it pronounces: 

"And still no new leads in the case of the mysterious, mercurial mermaid mage! Survivors of today's bombing at the Renaktra warehouse say they owe their lives to a flying, blue-skinned woman with hydrokinetic powers. Has Nami come to Piltover? Our very own Defender of Tomorrow was seen collaborating briefly with the unknown heroine: we reached out to him for comment." 


Jayce meets the camera's gaze levelly, a slight smile on his face.

"Sorry, but I'm as clueless as the rest of you: I've never met her before in my life. Still, I hope she knows that the people of Piltover won't soon forget what she's done for them - and if she's ever back in town, she's free to drop in for a chat with me anytime."


The robot shrugs. "An enigma even our own Jayce can't crack? Perhaps. But the valiant reporters of PTC won't give up that easily! We'll be bringing you the latest updates on Piltover's watery savior all through the evening. Over to you, Marcus." 

A second robot steps onto camera. "Tensions are flaring in the League of Legends as Demacia and Noxus each accuse the other of bribery and collusion with Summoner's Council officials..." 


Jinx changes the channel. 


A red-haired woman stares neutrally into the camera. 

"... exclusive video recovered from the scene of today's bombing."


Jinx watches the shakily-recorded footage with rapt fascination.


"I do look impressive, don't I. I didn't feel very impressive at the time, I was just - solving problems as they came to my attention, as fast as I could."


"... Okay, you really are too good for me and you deserve something better than a stupid gold necklace for that."

... soft kiss?


Yes, all right. Kiss.

"We're good at solving problems, Ruava and I."


"You aaaaaare." 

... Yeah, the moment's past, another kiss now would be awkward. But she still wants to do something ugh. Absent glance at the sketchpad.


She follows the glance. "Hm?"


"Oh, I was just thinking of maybe drawing you something... Maybe drawing you all glowy and water-y and awesome."


"That sounds nice."


"Alright then, let me just pick a page... Actually you know what, this can be your sketchbook, you've already got a bunch of work in it. Let me grab another one real quick." 

Rummage rummage. 

"...aaaaand I'm out of spares. Figures. Guess I'll have to come up with something else..."


"You can use a page after our drawings if you want, we wouldn't mind."


"Alright then!" 

Sketch sketch sketch. 

... Actually now that's she's going, she feels like. Ruava on the left... Idain on the right... They have the same face, but...

Argh. Expressions: still hard. 


Idain smiles contentedly at the drawing.


... That is a smile she can get onto paper. A reasonable, smile-y sort of smile. Not quite the liquid sunniness of Ruava, but in this case that's actually kind of a good thing.


She smiles a different smile when she sees that the first one has made it onto the page!


Oh no, she has more! Quick, more sketching! 




Oh gosh this just isn't fair. Ruava has an excellent smile, but her... sister? Her sister has her beat on range. 


Hey, Ruava's excellent smile comes in a multitude of flavours! But her sister does occupy an entirely different region of smilespace, it's true.

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