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Jinx & Mark in Runeterra
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...We don't know enough about this place yet, but this could be a good way to learn more. Wave back and we'll see what happens.


So she waves tentatively to Hammer Man.


"Hello!" he booms. "Mind coming down so I don't have to shout?" 



Still tentatively, she descends to a more reasonable conversational distance.

She looks... well, she looks like she heard the explosion in the middle of a crying fit, threw on her clothes in a hurry, and flew directly there.


Hammer Man smiles. 

"Thanks to you this catastrophe's gone a lot less badly than it could've. Are you... a new mage? Need somewhere to cool off? I get the stress, especially if this is your first time heroing. I figure you probably don't want to hang around for everybody and their dog to shove a microphone in your face and ask you a thousand questions."


"I'm... glad I could help," she says. "I definitely don't want to be asked a thousand questions."

She wishes Ruava could do the talking, but with their lack of background knowledge, it's better to come off as generally skittish and eccentric so specific slipups don't stand out as much.


"Alright then, let's get out of here. It looks like the cops have the rest of the cleanup handled, we've done enough. Maybe more than enough, in your case."


...she consults with Ruava for an understanding of that last part.


He's concerned for us. Not sure whether it's because we look like utter hell or because he expects us to be exhausted after all that magic. Maybe both.



She attempts a reassuring smile. It doesn't quite work.


He smiles back. "... Is it the tux? Sorry, I was in the middle of a formal event, usually I wear armor to these things." 


"I'm - I was - not having a good night," she explains.


"... Hard to have a good night with explosions in your backyard, I imagine. But that sounds like the explosion was just the most recent problem. Want to talk about it? Somewhere else?"


"Somewhere else," she says, nodding. Going elsewhere is a suggestion she can unequivocally support.


"Do you have anywhere in mind, or should I lead?"




"Alright then, follow me."

And off he goes on the hammer, heading towards one of the shinier parts of town.


She follows. Warily. Not particularly of him, just wary in general.


And here is a very shiny building, with some weapon emplacements that would be very well concealed from anyone but her, and a pair of silver doors on a top floor that would be very difficult for anybody who couldn't fly to get to. 

Hammer Man descends to the rooftop, and flicks a hand at the double doors: they slide open on their own. 



As she approaches the place, she studies it for possible exits in case she needs to get out of there in a hurry without necessarily having the cooperation of her host.


One pair of shiny doors in. A few windows, but they look very solidly reinforced. Definitely a secure location: not a lot of options. 


She lands on the rooftop and pauses.

"...I don't like to be somewhere I couldn't leave without help," she says.


"... Oh, sorry. My lab's really safe and comforting for me, but I guess not everybody'd feel the same. Would the rooftop work? Can I just pull some chairs out here?"


She nods. "Yes. Thank you."


Hammer Man vanishes into the lab.

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