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Jinx & Mark in Runeterra
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Ruava laughs.

"Nah. Have fun."


"Alright then." 

Door... Wait, no, clothes first. Then door. Jinx waves casually with two fingers as she stuffs her Zapper into her hip holster. 


And Ruava nestles on the couch with one of those wonderfully cozy blankets and plays with light some more.


And Jinx is gone for rather a while. 



She ends up napping.

And then she ends up waking up, and figuring that Jinx must've gotten distracted, and picking up a discarded sketchpad, and starting to draw...

The palace. Thirty iterations until she gets the lighting just right.

Nirue's house, in pieces - one exterior wall, the stairs, Ruava's bedroom window, the mirror - she draws the mirror dozens of times, trying to figure out what it would have reflected from this or that angle, and then she gives up and has it reflect her, on her birthday, in that stupidly beautiful dress, and she's crying, when did that happen - she has to get the drawing right, she has to - she builds it out of light, life-size, the dress glowing in the sunlight, and she stares up at the intricate gilded frame and—help me get it right—



She draws.

She draws it once imperfectly, and then she flips the page and draws it exactly right, every detail. The mirror, the frame, the sunlight, Ruava's glowing smile. The dress, a shimmering cascade of light. The room, visible in the reflection behind her.

She - doesn't mean to keep drawing, after that - but she can't get the image of Nirue's eyes out of her head, so she might as well get it onto the page. Nirue has such exquisitely lovely eyes. They are by far her most attractive feature. And the rest of he face follows. She remembers the smile very well.

And then, after that - there's the rest of the house - full scenes, now, the dining room with all the chairs drawn up to the table and the tablecloth pristine, the sweep of the stairs and the wall behind them and a glimpse of corridor, and - Nirue's room - now she's crying - it's making it very difficult to draw -


A thunderclap judders the windowpane, a flash of firey red light picking out every detail in the room.

Moments later, a long, low rumble shakes the floor.  



For a moment, she freezes in place, just taking in information, not responding to any of it yet - the explosion was this far away in that direction, wide margin of error because she's not familiar with local architecture or local explosives, and an even wider margin on the likely extent of the damage - but even on the lowest end of her estimate it's perfectly clear what Ruava would do.

Ruava couldn't get there as fast as she can.

She gets herself into some clothes with near-inhuman efficiency, and draws on her magic with nearly the same singleminded demanding intensity that got them here in the first place, and hurls herself out the window and flies like an arrow toward the source of the noise.


The building she appeared on has imploded. Fairly neatly, but there's screaming and running and maybe people are hurt or dead and if this goes on people will be hurt in the chaos - 


She only barely recognizes it - they were in a lot of pain at the time - but recognize it she does.

Well. The response is the same no matter who caused this.

Get there fast - she's managed that, all right - and heal anyone who's injured - can she access Ruava's magic without putting Ruava out front -


- yes she can, as long as Ruava is active and watching from inside her head -


- and do as much rescue work as she can - where's the nearest water she can divert to put out fires and shift debris off of trapped people if there are any?


There's a convenient water main break right in the middle of the whole mess.



She is very Water. The only effective limit on her watershaping ability is her attention, and she has a lot of that.

The water moves.

Fires go out. Globes of water enclose chunks of rubble to lift them away, and the people underneath glow briefly as Ruava's healing magic restores them. She can't address the panic very well without bringing Ruava out, and she's the one doing most of the magic, she doesn't want to rely on being able to hold all this watershaping from the back of their head - not to mention it would be a problem if they suddenly ceased to be able to fly. Landing would interfere with her efficiency, she needs the mobility to get as many visual angles as possible - she has Ruava use her lightshaping senses to examine the scene from perspectives she can't cover from the air, but they're not well-practiced with that yet and it's no substitute for a direct line of sight.


A man flies over a nearby building on a giant hammer, quickly assesses the situation, and starts directing traffic in a rich baritone. 


Well it's good that there's someone to do that. She ignores him. Any attention she spares to socializing is attention taken from doing actually useful things.


A net of twisted light unfolds across her path - was that a projectile from the direction of Hammer Man? 


Yes, and it's meant to help -


Well then she won't dodge it.


And suddenly everything else is going half as fast as it was before.


That is very useful.

She can't count on it lasting indefinitely, but she can make good use of it while it lasts. She darts around the collapsed building, searching for more people trapped inside. Just two more and then that's it. She assembles all the rubble she's holding into a neat stack in the middle of where the building used to be, and zips around the immediate vicinity looking for more people to heal - there and there and there and there and there -


Time's starting to get faster again... And right on cue there's another net about ten feet along her current path. 


So she flies through it and keeps going.


And eventually there's nothing imminently disastrous about to happen. 

The man with the hammer waves up at her - is he wearing a tuxedo?


They haven't been here long enough to have a good read on local fashion, but that does look like expensive clothing as far as they can tell.

She does another circuit of the area, just to double-check. Then she hovers, trying to figure out whether the wise course of action is to let Ruava out to make conversation, or just leave immediately -

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