Azure portalsnaked into Vicissitude
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Attempting to get back home by re-learning all of science and building his own spaceship from the half-rotten wood is not what he's planning on doing, so the science textbooks don't interest him.  He'll skim through the encyclopedia to see if he spots any major differences between here and what he would expect from a planet after watching movies set in the dead world.  

Any book he brings with him would probably get ruined from being outside.  Instead, he finds places near the houses to sit down on to read and puts the books back inside after.  He needs to take an occasional break anyway, being unused to walking for hours at a time.  


Well, the animal section doesn't include anything even remotely similar to a pokémon, and there's no references anywhere to daémons either. In fact the world seems...boringly mundane?


He wasn't expecting the exact same species he was used to.  Other than their overly brown and gray colorations, they aren't too much different than he'd expect a decent CGI Alien Planet movie to come up with, visually.  The lack of elemental abilities is certainly strange, as is the fact that some species can apparently have their wool and skin and ...muscle tissue(?)... harvested.  He'd always assumed that pokemon just faded into golden sparkles if killed, like daemons do, but then again so much knowledge of the dead world was lost no one actually knows. 

The lack of daemons is much stranger and more alarming.  A planet of zombies?  Who seem to be otherwise capable of living in normal houses and writing encyclopedias, before abandoning them? 


Certainly based on this encyclopedia humans do not appear to be meaningfully impacted by the lack of a daemon? Except for insomuch as their infrastructure isn't built to accommodate them.


Apparently.  It's still about as strange to him as landing on a world where everyone is walking around normally despite missing their heads.  (In the back of his mind, he's thankful that his reaction is happening where the locals can't see rather than being probably-rude in front of them.)

Breaks aside, he continues travelling for as long as he can.


There's a couple of times where he might think he sees something large moving in the distance - but it's momentary, and hard to locate where the movement actually came from.

And eventually, the sun starts to set over the forest. And it looks like it's going to get dark.


They have a basic understanding of how planets and suns work, even if it's never been practical.  Once the sun starts getting low, they can stop at the next decent dwelling.  While they could teleport back and forth between the best house found so far and the furthest distance down the road and maybe get a half-hour further, they won't do it unless there's really nowhere in sight worth considering.  

"I'd rather not touch any of the soft surfaces inside," Azure considers aloud.  "And between the hard floor and grass, grass seems like it might be better."

"More dangerous, though," the other part of him says, walking around the place.  He'd appreciate a good fight to burn off his nervousness at seeing the distant shadows throughout the day, but only if he's ready.  Unfortunately, daemons and their humans can't take shifts to watch as they both sleep at once.  Florentho looks up, though trees also seem like a bad idea to try and sleep in without some sort of harness.  "Would the grass even be cleaner, really?  It'd smell better, but probably way more of those tiny crawling creatures."

They look for the best of whatever available soft surfaces there are, and any abandoned towels or tarps that might be better than touching it directly.  Otherwise, they can cut off some small branches from outside to make a leafy nest layer over the top of the indoor material.  


It'll take a little bit of hunting, but they'll find a house of still solid construction, in what appears to be a cluster of farm buildings. There's a downstairs room that seems to have escaped the decay and destruction. A bit of searching will yield a tarp from one of the outbuildings - that had been covering up old machinery, and searching through the cupboards will yield a few towels that look...fairly okay to be honest? A little musty from not having been taken out of a closet for so long, but not obviously decaying or harbouring dangerous spores.


Sleeping while hungry is hard, and the odds of running into anyone in the next few days seems unlikely at this rate - one of the decent-looking cans is opened and eaten by Azure.

Afterwards, they prepare a place to sleep out of the nicest materials and Azure fully wrapped in the tarp.  Florentho, wanting to be ready to jump up if anything dangerous approaches, lies down between Azure and the rest of the room uncovered.  


The night is quiet until the early hours of the morning, so they'll get at least some sleep.

And then, in the early hours, there's the sound of something large moving through nearby trees, making no attempt to hide its presence or mask the sounds of trees being broken and uprooted. There's a kind of cry echoing out as well, no discernable words, just a...wailing?


Florentho stands up as quietly as possible, preparing to use any of his Moves if necessary.  Cautiously stepping away, he sidles up to a wall and attempts to peek out of the window without being spotted.  It'll have to get within about 7 meters before he'll be able to detect emotion, if it's sapient or at least cleverer than whatever small creatures have gotten in range so far, but he can use his eyes from any distance a human can.


To begin with, he won't see anything, but then...

...Yeah, there's definitely something out there. It's larger than a human, and also larger than many animals, possibly all except elephants, and it's gait is lumbering and uncertain, using...arms? To haul itself through the landscape. And it...might have more limbs than is standard for creatures of this size? And-

-Yup, it tilts its head back and makes that wailing cry. It's mostly just outside Florenthos' range, but it does stray into the range, stopping and tilting its head around, sniffing at the air (...does it have eyes??) and... There's something there, emotions and half-thoughts that can't be followed through to the end, the train flickering out before it reaches completion. It certainly isn't like the small creatures that they've encountered so far.


Given the wanton destruction of trees, whatever it is probably isn't nice.  They'll both stay very still and hope it passes by.  Hope that whatever sense it's using can't detect them.  He wishes he'd been able to plan better Moves before getting thrown here - his current set is entirely utility and defense, with only his mundane blades to fight with.  


It turns its head towards the house they're staying in, sniffing, mouth lolling open - it seems to have one long fang set in amongst more normal appearing teeth, and it doesn't appear like there was a pair to that fang, unless it broke off a long time ago.

And then it pauses. No, it freezes, attention very focused on the area of the house where Azure and Florentho are, fear spiking and-

-And it turns, and does what is best described as fleeing, although it's still slow, cumbersome in its movements, it's definitely trying to get away.



They stay completely still until it seems gone, then Azure slowly tries to disentangle himself from the tarp without making too much noise, then fold it up.  Freezing completely won't help, so they won't do it.  At least if he's standing he might be able to get out of the way if something starts trying to take down the walls.

"We weren't expecting anything that big," Florentho notes aloud, in a whisper.  "Trees getting torn up... that's going to be dangerous."  

Azure hums in agreement, ears straining for any other movement.  The few cans are put into the tarp as a makeshift bag for running quickly, though the noisy fabric isn't ideal for that.


It's...quiet outside now? Just normal forest sounds, and nighttime sounds, although...yeah, muted in a way that is probably becoming familiar at this point. But there doesn't seem to be anything else of that size moving around. Although that doesn't necessarily mean anything, given how suddenly that thing appeared...


Azure isn't sure what the best course of action is. 

"There are probably people around somewhere," he notes after a while, deciding to re-fold the tarp more tightly, then turn a towel into a makeshift bag instead.  That might be quieter.  "So we might as well keep following the road."

Before that, however, he decides to wait a little longer and check the area for anything useful.  A proper bag, a wheelbarrow, or anything that will help Florentho carry things.  Another can or two of food, if anything can be found.  He's thirsty, too, but any water might be dangerous.  Something that can start a fire and a pot to boil it in might be worth looking for.

Florentho considers the best place to teleport to if they need to come back here.  Somewhere out in the open, where it would be unlikely for trees or walls to fall into it as obstacles.  He considers what he knows of the places he memorized yesterday, and keeps only the best handful of possibilities, including the flowery clearing they originally landed in.  


There's a rucksack in one of the wardrobes - it's a bit tatty, and might not hold up for long, but it'll be somewhat easier than just using a towel as a makeshift bag. There's a box of matches in one of the kitchen drawers - pushed towards the back, forgotten, and half empty, but better than nothing! There doesn't appear to be any cans left in this house, and the pots that are left are on the heavier side - although they'd still do the job until they can find something lighter, and could perhaps work as a weapon in a pinch.

As for potential areas to teleport to, the yard formed by the buildings around them seems like it might do the trick? It's a mostly clear space of reasonable size, and although there's a few things scattered around, there isn't many?


They'll collect the rucksack, matches, and a pot. 

Florentho takes a moment to circle around the center of the clearing, far from walls, getting it into his memory.  Grass means he'll have to pick up Azure and teleport up a few feet in the air, but they'll have a soft enough landing.  If anything that looks like a sapling is around, he'll slice it with his blade, just in case.  Perhaps trees grow unusually fast here.  

That out of the way, they can go find a water source and some wood for a fire to boil it.


Wood is in slightly more ready supply than water! Although the tap against one wall will supply a gush of rust coloured liquid which...probably would not be a good idea to drink.

It sounds like there might be stream over that way? Towards where the sun is starting to peak over the horizon.


They will head in that direction, though are careful to keep their directions straight so they'll be able to return to going the correct direction on the road later.  


And they will find a picturesque stream! It looks, frankly, like something straight out of a painting, rather than something that could actually exist in real life, but here it is. The water tumbles over the rocks, swirling and eddying around them, and then slowing as it reaches deeper pools. There might even be fish in it? Small ones, but fish nevertheless!


The water isn't poisoning the fish - that's a good sign maybe? 

They'll gather enough fallen branches and dry leaves to light a small fire and put some water on it.  Perhaps Florentho will have time while the water boils to try and pester the fish and see if they can use Moves.  The birds haven't seemed to, but normal and flying are subtle Types and they're not fast enough to catch one.  


He will indeed have time!

They scatter when Florentho comes near, but he'll probably be able to catch one or two to pester. The fish do...not particularly seem to be able to use Moves? They seem to be just...mundane fish? A little way down the stream, far enough that Azure and Florentho aren't disturbing it there's a bird standing still, focused on the water. Abruptly it moves, head darting down, and when it comes has one of the fish in its beak?


What strange creatures.

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