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ellie in cognoscente
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Ellie leans into her lightning nature, flashing around rather than trying to stand still, aiming to strike or net the girl.


Ruby flows like smoke, choking, ever present, hot.


A massive tornado builds around the girl, ripping up trees and flinging them through her enemies.

Sirens start in the distance.


Now they have a time limit.

Ellie fuzzes through trees she can't dodge, always seeking to penetrate, to strike.

And since there's a tornado, she starts building the ambient static charge, to multiply her power.


She super-heats the air, until breathing in a normal form would be painful, and turns almost entirely into smoke.


The wind picks up, spinning faster - creating a larger force - than any mundane wind could.

The girl keeps disrupting their attacks - but they're getting through, and she's having trouble keeping up with healing herself and maintaining her defense.


Time for a thunder-tornado.


The air gets weird - non-conductive, maybe. It's seriously interfering with Ellie's lightning, and with her ability to be made of lightning.



Not good. She's something of a one-trick kitty in this regard.


It seems to also interfere with Ruby's fire.

Ruby, naturally, turns back into a normal tiger, and then grows.

Her shoulders are level with the tree tops when she lunges through the tornado.


Butterfly wings sprout from the girl's back, and she flings herself up and backwards - ever so slightly disrupting the heaviness to the air that's interfering with Ellie -

And then Ruby's paw lands, and she turns into a cloud of butterflies, reforming behind the giant tiger with a stagger in her step.


Ellie darts at the opening, focusing as much of her power into a single point as she can.


She flares into butterflies again, but she can't hold it for long - she tries to build up the air's resistance, to resume her tornado -

But she's definitely on the back foot, now, and Ruby's hounding her through the trees, constantly disrupting her plans with physical might.


They have to keep pushing her. She's breaking.


She manages to disrupt Ellie's lightning a few more times, manages to injure Ruby - though Ruby's hardly avoiding injury with her strategy -

Starts accumulating burns faster than she can heal herself, but her enemies aren't giving her an opening to switch to human and heal completely -

Her breath gets ragged, her expression scared, and she starts to falter.


Ellie aims for her butterfly clip.


She flinches, focuses her protection very firmly on that -

But it distracts her.

Ruby's paw connects, tearing her front open - she doesn't bleed. (That wouldn't be pretty.) Her form's just - crumpled, like a wrecked car, or a torn apart butterfly.


She closes for the kill.


The girl falls before her -

And dies, electrocuted, screaming.

Her hair pin falls off her head when she dies, clattering to the forest floor, and her body reverts to just an ordinary human girl's. Still quite dead, but oddly pristine, uninjured.


Winning feels good.

She goes to poke at the hairpin.


It feels odd. Unnatural, almost. Slightly repellent.


Ruby laughs and shrinks back down to normal size.


"Good job."


"That was fun!" She grins, wickedly.

"We should get rid of the body before they stop freaking out over sudden tornado and come investigating, though."


"And the hair clip. We can take the body somewhere else and you can burn it."

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