Xan was having a very nice time sunbathing in the cornfield, when a fuckoff giant snake showed up for the express purpose of ruining his day. It had a mirror for a face, which seemed like an obvious weak point, but when he went to shatter it he just went straight through it, and now he's - where?
"...how much inhibition? Are we talking 'happy drunk' or 'putting your fist through a brick wall'?"
"I dunno, I mean, drunkenness is pretty different for different people, it's the closest metaphor I've been able to come up with but I honestly don't know how to generalize from just my example. The first time someone had used it as a stone in a ring and I didn't realize it was kryptonite 'cause I'd only seen the green stuff before, I put the ring on and mostly cut class and made out with my boyfriend until the ring came off, but the second time my friends had gotten infected with this horrible adrenaline-seeking mindfucking kryptonian parasite and one of them slipped a red rock in my pocket so's I'd enable their stupidity and I, uh, did, I'm very lucky I took my jacket off before someone died because of it."
"If someone says, 'hey, I know, let's drive a car off a cliff' are you going to think that's a good idea?"
"Depends on who's asking. If it was Gary Sawyer from my bio class, I'd love the chance for a front-row seat."
Giggle. "Someone who owes you money you won't be able to collect from their corpse and their next of kin won't cough up."
"Then you might have a little more self-control than me on red kryptonite! I still really don't recommend it, though. And stay well away from the green stuff if you can, that's just not a fun time at all."
"And sick, and...bleah. Also! I don't know if you know what pain feels like, but it turns out, getting shot is incredibly not fun when the psycho figures out your weakness and decides to make kryptonite bullets."
"I've always wondered... but I'd rather not have that stuff inside me. Sounds lethal."
"I have enough people I trust that they managed to get the bullet out before it could do any lasting damage, since it only hit me in the shoulder, but it could've been a lot worse. If you wanna know what pain feels like we can spar, it turns out that our invulnerability only goes so far when we're up against people as strong as we are. And I'll be honest, getting shot is a lot worse than getting punched in the face."
"I'll have to take you up on that at some point, all my fighting came from the crystal and I never got to practice any of it. Right now, let's not get distracted from... going... where are we going, actually?"
"Good, good. You can tell a lot about a person from their house. For example, if it's a mansion? Rich person, probably."
"It used to be Lionel Luthor's, but he was a shitty dad, so Lex proved that he had killed his own parents and now he's in jail and Lex has control of the company."
"Nah, he wants to be a doctor. This was a point of contention between him and Lionel but jail has effectively ended that struggle. Not that Julian was ever in any danger of losing."