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Bruce Banner as Vanyel, from end of book 1 of "A Song for Two Voices"
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"Of course." He accepts Starwind's link and watches the energy flow through them into Moondance.


Moondance pushes all of it through to his Healing-Gift, knitting the gash just enough that it stops oozing through the bandages. He's starting to seem pretty dazed, though; Starwind has to prompt him several times to remind him what he's doing. 


:Let's get him on Yfandes in front of you: Savil suggests to Abras. :He's pretty tired, you might have to hold him on: She shoves her own waterskin at him. :You ought to drink as well, first. How's your head feeling?: 


Mindspeech is great for drinking and talking at the same time. :Still hurts, but not enough to worry about. Yfandes and I will look out for Moondance.: He wonders if he's getting better at thinking through pain than he used to be; what a grim silver lining that would be. He helps Savil get Moondance onto Yfandes in front of him and looks for a way to hold on to him that doesn't put any further stress on his injuries.


Moondance lets out an involuntary moan of distress when Abras tries to just hold around his chest, but the injury is mostly on his right side, so if Abras reaches around under his left arm and grips a handful of his tunic lower than Moondance's ribs, he seems comfortable. He definitely needs the support; he's not quite limp, but Abras finds himself catching a lot of his weight whenever Yfandes' stride jars him to one side or the other.

Fortunately, even at a gentler Companion-pace, it's less than a candlemark's ride back to the Vale. 


Abras winces at Moondance's sound of pain and adjusts his hold, bracing his legs so he can take all the weight and let Moondance relax as far as possible. He spends the ride back thinking about the fight, wondering what he could have done to prevent this. Savil was right that shielding him while he was moving would have been complicated, but if he was better at doing a bunch of things at once he could have joined in on the offensive, and maybe with one more person they could have taken the queen out before anyone got hurt. He needs to practice more. And to learn more magical and regular Healing; if it had just been the two of them out here Moondance would still be bleeding. 

"Hang in there; we're halfway back."

After all, he thinks, this is what his life is going to be, now. A series of decisions that can never be undone, where every mistake can leave someone like Moondance injured--or someone like Tylendel irretrievably DEAD. They got lucky this time; he won't get lucky every time. He's already lost too much.

"We're almost home," he says softly as the scenery starts looking familiar.


"Mmm," Moondance says, enough of a response to convey that he's still awake and sort-of-listening. 

They ride through the Vale-barrier and down one of the paths until they reach the ekele and Yfandes prompts Abras to dismount, then kneels so that he can help Moondance out of the saddle as well. Moondance seems more with it, now, he's able to hold himself upright for the moment that Abras isn't hanging on; he mostly looks exhausted


There's no way he's getting up the ladder in this state; Abras lifts the arm farther from Moondance's wound over his shoulder and guides him into the ekele where he can lie down on the bed.


This gets him an approving nod from Starwind, who slips in after him and sits down on the side of the bed. He's been his usual hard-faced self throughout the fight and aftermath, but that slides off him like a skin. He kisses Moondance's forehead, strokes his hair. "I am sorry, ashke. I was not fast enough. I will try not to be away from your side for long." He glances up at Abras. "Might you stay with him? I must needs go debrief with the elders now. I have alerted one of our Healers, they will be here shortly. He ought eat and drink before sleeping." 

Indeed, one of the hertasi must have snuck in and out already while Abras was distracted; there's a tray on the side table that definitely wasn't there thirty seconds ago. 


Sober nod. "I'll make sure he does, and then wait here in case he needs anything." As if he'd be able to do much other than fret if he left. Abras picks up the tray, realizes Moondance is too flat on his back to eat or drink anything, puts it down, and starts carefully rearranging pillows to get him closer to vertical without having to hold himself up.


Moondance cooperates with the process as best he can, though he's clearly getting drowsy, and will need some reminders from Abras to stay on task when it comes to getting nourishment into himself. 

The Healer gets there about ten minutes later and introduces herself as Riverstorm. She instructs Abras through getting Moondance out of his bloodstained and ripped clothing, undoes Savil's bandages, clicks her tongue, and instructions Abras on the supplies she needs to clean the wound before she can Heal it the rest of the way. Fortunately, water warmed to blood-heat with magic, a bucket to put it in, and a cloth are all easily findable in the ekele

Moondance hasn't showed much sign of discomfort since lying down except for a few grimaces during the propping-up process, but he sucks in a breath through gritted teeth when Riverstorm starts going at his injury, and grabs for Abras' hand. 


Abras is very familiar with the process of getting food and liquids into someone who has to make an effort just to stay conscious, though not from this side of it. He makes it as easy as he can, then helps Riverstorm.

When Moondance grabs for his hand, he takes it in both of his and squeezes gently. If Moondance is anything like him, it will help to have a non-pain sensation to focus on. "It's okay, I'm here, it'll stop hurting so much soon."


Moondance does appear to find this helpful; he's calm through the rest of Riverstorm's work. She Heals the gash until the flesh is entirely knitted, though there's still a reddened line there, then pats Moondance's shoulder and tells him, in a disapproving-mother sort of way, to please rest until he's actually feeling better this time.

Moondance rolls his eyes at Abras as soon as she turns her back. "Thank you for staying," he says weakly. "I think I wish to sleep now." 


"Do you want me to stay while you sleep or go away?"


"I do not mind. I...would understand if you had elsewhere to be." 


"I really don't. Have elsewhere to be, I mean. I'd rather stay." He sits next to the bed and intends to stay there until someone kicks him out. 


Moondance nods, manages a faint smile, and once Abras has him lying flat again, he's asleep within about thirty seconds.


Good, that is exactly how it should be.

And now Abras has nothing to distract himself from thinking about how much worse that could have gone and about Tylendel and about the general inevitability of losing everyone he cares about unless he dies first and about Tylendel and about how if he's this miserable after a mostly successful mission how is he ever going to handle more serious failures and oh, by the way, Tylendel. Eventually the eventfulness of the morning and the sitting still will catch up to him and he'll be miserable and dozing instead of miserable and awake.



Late afternoon is shading into evening, golden light slanting through the ekele window. Moondance is attempting to sit up, rubbing his forehead. 


Abras jerks back to wakefulness, stiff from sitting in the same posture for hours. "Hey. Feeling better?" He rolls his shoulders and moves to help Moondance get propped up on the pillows again.


"Much, thank you." Moondance's smile is a lot more real this time. "I was very drained from the fight, earlier – that was troubling me more than a minor injury." He licks his lips. "I am thirsty, if there is water near...?" 


There's still some left from earlier; Abras passes him a cup, but keeps a hand slightly raised in case he looks like he's going to drop it.


Moondance’s hands are steady again; he drinks the water and sets the cup down without incident. 

“Your first mission,” he says to Abras, solemn-faced. “I might tell you my thoughts, later, but I will ask you first. What are your feelings on it, now that it is done?”


"I should practice doing more things at once, and Farseeing while riding Yfandes, and aiming at moving targets. And, I think it could have gone better but it also could have gone worse. At least I know I can use offensive magic for real now."


"Important skills," Moondance agrees. "And it will be worth practicing everything you know until you can do it from your Companion's back. You Heralds must often fight while riding." He chuckles. "Though, I will say, your aunt makes use of the saddle-belt if she is nervous about distractions." 

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