The next while passes in a fractured blur. It seems like the phase that involves consulting Abras is over, and what's left is some out-of-context discussions that happen to take place near enough to his bed, during moments of consciousness, that he can half overhear.
The older Healer isn't at all happy about the plan – because of the Gate, and because it involves arriving in the dangerous Pelagirs wilderness in winter. Adequate warm clothing is discussed. Abras needs to be strong enough to ride – no, nevermind, he'll be drugged, they can strap him to Yfandes just in case Savil's Gate lands them in a place that they instantly need to escape from. Abras needs to be physically healthy enough that his body can handle a chase while drugged insensible and strapped to a saddle. He isn't strong enough right now, because he hasn't been eating. That indicates waiting a couple of days during which Lissa and others will coax (force) Abras to eat regular, nourishing meals. Gemma doesn't want to give him any argonel before departure – Gemma slightly relents on this, he can have half-doses at carefully spaced intervals. And food. Food isn't optional. Sleep is good though, they let him, encourage him even, to sleep all the time that he isn't taking care of other bodily necessities.
Probably some days go by or something but it's hard to tell.