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:Well, I mean, there's the standard ethics curriculum? Though a lot of that was built up over the years, it wasn't there at the start. What there was... Do you know the Herald's Creed?: 


I don't think so?


:All right, I can recite it to you. It's the oath that all Heralds swear to the monarch when they go into Whites. Bear in mind that it's - not quite the real thing? It's - gesturing at something - it's an inspirational speech, it's not - specific enough to be rules: 

She stops walking, and starts reciting, in a distant rote tone. The Heralds' Creed is as follows: 

I pledge you my heart, that we may build and preserve our land and people together.

I vow to obey our Laws and seek the Truth in every thought and deed, to heal the wrongs and bring aid to those who suffer, and by the strength of my hand to restore and keep the peace.

The deeds of those who lived before, the legends of our past, have shown me the way, and my Companion has opened a door in my heart.

It is upon love that we build this foundation, and for love that I will serve Valdemar as long as there is breath in me.

This is our sacred trust. My path stands clear before me, and where you lead, I cannot be afraid.

Upon my soul I vow this to you, that the light that is our people may never fade.


I have... two questions about that. One is, is there anything that literally corresponds to a Companion opening a door in a Herald's heart, and the other is, if this oath were changed by an act of the head of state for some reason, would the Companions' guidance change too?


Sayshen prances a bit on the spot, nostrils flaring. Something about the question is clearly making her uncomfortable. 

:Not - a literal door: she sends. :Metaphorically, well - the bond runs deep. We - share so much of ourselves with our Heralds: The frequent uneasy pauses are back. :What we care about. What drives us. I think - that means Heralds can care more deeply than most people. Because - they care - using our hearts as well:

And then she's quiet for a long time. 

:I don't know: she admits finally. :I don't think so? Or, it wouldn't come up. I mean, the - point of the oath, is that the head of state took it as well: 


Am I making you uncomfortable?


:It's, well...: Sayshen's eyes dart a bit. :More - complicated - for me–: And she cuts off almost in the middle of the final word, and puts her head down and keeps walking. :What else did you want to ask about?: Her mindvoice is back to the same flat matter-of-factness as before. 


If the continuity of Valdemar's succession were disrupted - I don't know exactly how it works so I don't know exactly what would have to happen - and whatever shook out wound up doing something different oathwise - would there be some kind of coordinated Companion resistance to that or - what?


Sayshen seems shocked. Her ears flatten back. 

:The leader of Valdemar has to be a Herald: she sends finally. :If - somehow there were a coup, and someone took power who wasn't - then, yes, the Heralds and Companions would coordinate to take back our country: 


Why does the leader of Valdemar have to be a Herald?


:It's - how things are?: Sayshen seems to not quite understand why that's a question. :It's the basic founding premise of the country. King Valdemar prayed for - a way to make sure Valdemar never became like the place he fled from. He - got the Companions in answer. He was Chosen, his son was Chosen - he thought it through, wrote and passed in our laws. He saw that the way to keep Valdemar to his vision - was to require the heir - to have passed that test. To - be the kind of puzzle-half - that one of us would recognize. To have our guidance: She's pausing a lot again, but otherwise doesn't look as uneasy. 


Your guidance to do what? What kind of person are you filtering for and shaping? All that's obvious to me is that a lot of Heralds have magic.


Sayshen doesn't answer right away. She bends her head to nibble at a patch of clover, stares off at the horizon.

:Someone who - wants - to hold to what the Heralds' Oath means - to build and preserve King Valdemar's legacy - because they care - because they can see it matters...: 

She lifts her head. :Magic - happens in this country - is given to mortals - for a reason. For a Herald, it's not - we call them Gifts, but - the Gift isn't to them. It's - a promise - made to everyone else. To the people who - can't protect themselves. Who depend on us - on what we build together. And I - we - the Companions - our job is to - help them - keep that promise. By - keeping it - alongside them: 

She stares past Bella at the horizon. :Even when it's hard: 



Given by -


:Sorry, what? Oh - do you mean Gifts?: 


Yeah. Who's making this promise on their behalf? Why?


:The gods, one assumes: Sayshen's tail flicks restlessly again. :Part of - what King Valdemar asked for: She makes a motion with her neck that gives off the strong impression of a shrug, despite this not being particular a horselike gesture. :I - wouldn't know more. I'm just - a little piece - of something a lot bigger: 

Her eyes turn downward again, a brief flicker of sad/wistful/bitter that she can't entirely hide. 


You're a piece of something? How do you mean?


:The working that King Valdemar - and the gods he called on - cast together: Sayshen sends. :It's - what Valdemar IS. The Web, the Companions, the Heralds, the - substance behind the oath...: 


Were you made to be... comfortable that way?


Sayshen sidles up to a small apple tree, rubs her flank against it. :I was made to - fill that role. To - do - what Valdemar needs: 



Regardless of how you feel about it, or - by feeling the convenient way, or...


Sayshen tilts her head to one side, gives Bella a confused look. 

:It's - what I want: she sends finally. :It's not - always easy - but it's not like it's easy for the Heralds either: 


Is it what they want?


:Of course: She pauses. :I mean - it's not the only thing they want, often. It's - a life with a lot of sacrifices. But Heralds care. That's what being a Herald means: 

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