"When I was twelve," she says, "I was taken on a field trip to a history museum and they had an exhibit of various jars. Glass ones, mostly, and you could see through those a little, and inside each one was a little moving dark shape, because a jar like that is how you trap somebody's soul. It's illegal in the modern day in lots of places, of course, and the exhibit used to be a lot larger before someone won a petition to have most of the jars smashed and the souls released, but many of the jars are trapped or cursed, and can't be safely tampered with.
"Did you know the Elves credit me with the invention of glass? That's nonsense, of course, my homeworld's had glass for a very long time. Some of those jars were thousands of years old. I just brought the idea to Arda and muddled through enough of an explanation that they could reproduce it. But as a consequence I know all of the Elves who work glass, and they'd be terrifically flattered, if I asked them for a jar. And I don't think the museum docents would notice, if I put one more little glass jar in among all the rest. Behind some tall ones. Similar enough in style, if very pretty because the Elves love pretty things. They'd assume it was cursed like the rest of the jars. They'd leave it alone."