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I agree I should wait until the Ifteli are gone and that it would be unwise to spread infohazards willy-nilly. I don't actually know how bad an infohazard it is, I haven't tried, uh, low doses, and do not think it would be a prudent experiment.


:Agreed. I think that's all for now, then?: 


I think so, thanks for the update.

Van, I'm going to go to bed soon, are you going to want help going to sleep?

Shavri, do you want to stay here or go home?


:Van, are you going to be all right here?: Shavri sends to him, privately. She's been sitting next to him for the last few hours, trying to distract him with stories from Healers'. 


He gives her a weary but determined look. :I'll be fine. You should go home: 


:I'll go back: Shavri tells Bella. 


:I think I do want help going to sleep: Vanyel adds. :Now's fine: 


Bella goes into their room, confirms with Shavri, hands her Need, sends her back; and when Vanyel's ready puts him to sleep.


:I like you: Need informs Shavri cheerfully when they land in Healers'. :You're a good friend to him. And you're very brave: 


Shavri pats the sword's hilt. :I like you too, when you're not trying to mind-control me: 




Sayshen parks herself in the way of Bella's bed, like some sort of oversized guard-dog. 


Do you think someone's going to wake me up?


:I have no idea. I think I'm just - not very relaxed about being here: 


I have enough left over to send you back too if you want to go.


:No, it's fine. It's not like I have any particularly strong ties to Haven anymore. And if someone does try to bother you, I want to be where I can bite them: 


I appreciate you.


:Also stomp on them. Being horse-shaped is inconvenient in a few ways, but having sharp hooves is occasionally useful: She settles down on her pile of rugs. :Goodnight, Bella: 



Bella sleeps for a good long time and sits up and peeks out to see if anything has come up overnight.


The only change is that Vanyel is awake, hugging Yfandes and looking moderately miserable. 


"Morning. How are you holding up?"


"...Um. I - don't really know? Fine, I guess." He gives her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry I was an idiot and didn't prioritize the Gate thing. Would've been less of a disaster if I hadn't collapsed and then been useless." 


"I don't know if I could have fixed it quick enough to help," she points out, "even if we'd started as soon as I mentioned it."


Vanyel nods, stares fixedly at the floor. "Bella, I'm sorry – I really want to help, I want to be able to do the smart thing, but I keep just being a mess instead." 


"I don't think anyone was ready for what happened."

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