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Yfandes doesn't bother turning toward them. :No. Not at all. He's not even angry with you – he might've been at first, with the shock, but he cooled down: 


Melody nods briskly. "All right, I'd better go back and see what Aber has to say to me, get it over with." 


"Here you go," says Bella, and Melody is gone. She gets up and brushes breakfast crumbs from her lap and heads to the shielded room where the gate will be.


Gemma looks delighted to see her; she scrambles up from the corner they've awkwardly set up with chairs and bedrolls. "You're ready to send us back?" 


"Let me double check with Melody that Healers' is in good shape now she's looking at it and then we need a Gate so I can tap enough people again but yes." Melody, look okay there for me to send everyone else?


:I mean, it's still standing and everything. Those damned soldiers must've knocked all the furniture over getting me, it's a bit of a mess, but if you send a few of the staff or trainees first they can help me tidy up so we can get the patients: 


"Melody says it's a bit of a mess but otherwise all clear, can I see your list?"


Gemma hands it over. "You still need help reading it or are you fluent enough now?" 


"Names are relatively easy since I learn them phonetically anyway." Bella circulates through the room, collecting the overnight mana accumulation from everyone there just on principle, while waiting for the gate to go up. Who goes first, she can send them now.


Gemma's colleague Nevan is up and he's ready to go. 




Another senior Healer and three trainees line up for her, and then they start helping get the patients ready to go. 


When the gate's ready, she starts doing the tap-and-cast routine from yesterday. And collects the Companion-food from the other side.


The personnel at the other post are readier this time and line up very efficiently. If they're confused about why they're doing this, it isn't apparent. 


She does not attempt to make conversation while they're going by, she's trying to get this done efficiently.


In which case they'll be done in under ten minutes, to the relief of the mage holding the Gate.


Gemma goes last. "Thank you, Bella. Um, good luck with...everything." 


"Thanks. Sorry about all the fuss."


"You keep talking like it's your fault but I doubt that." 


Behind her, Leareth gestures to the mage holding the Gate to take it down now that Bella is finished tapping everyone, then ducks out of the library. 


Bella sends Gemma and follows him, lugging the sack of oats and bag of apples.


:Bella, are you headed back yet?: It's Sayshen. :We, um, kind of have a situation here: 


I'm on my way, what is it -


Ahead of her, Leareth speeds his pace enough that she can't keep up without leaving the sacks. 


:Er, the Nayoki person showed up again looking really freaked out, asked Van who was responsible for whatever happened to his lifebonded, he – well, it's understandably a touchy subject, he said he didn't want to talk about it, she said it was important, he said a mage called Krebain was involved and then, um, started crying. And Nayoki just got even more panicked and stormed off to find Leareth and I don't understand why: 

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