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Yfandes is doing fine. :Taver's kind of more stressed now than before, everyone else is calming down a bit though. I think I've done enough personally being a show of good faith by sticking around, and actually I want to be where Van is now. I, um - I assume you aren't planning to come back today?: 


"Van, should I bring Yfandes here or send you to her?"


Vanyel hugs his knees to his chest. "I really don't want to go back right now." 


He doesn't want to go back yet. I can bring you over now if you're ready. - and have eaten. We're underground.


:Right. I've eaten recently. Is Sayshen all right, then?: 


I think she's still asleep but I may have to send her back to graze if there does not happen to be any hay in this library, which I suspect there is not.


:Right – er, wasn't there somewhere else with a lot of people? You could ask Leareth if they have hay there and whether it could be got. I reckon it'd be safe to send Sayshen back at this point; it's not like Taver can prevent you from teleporting again, if he could he might try: 


I mean, he could if he arranged for me to be murdered in my sleep, which I think I might need to be on the lookout for. If Need had been told that I was to be murdered in my sleep I'd probably just be dead, say.


:...That's worth keeping an eye out for: Yfandes agrees. :Although, right now they'd have to get through Leareth first. I think it's very much not in his interest that you end up dead, especially not when you're ostensibly under his protection and your friends know that: 


And before I've taught anyone else on the planet wizardy, yes. Should I get you now?


:Yes please: 


"Van, I'm getting Yfandes -" She shuffles the paper aside till she has a Companion-sized space available next to his bed. And poof. "Also, Leareth, I checked she'd eaten, first, but Sayshen's been here since yesterday, I don't suppose you have any hay or whatever for her when she wakes up?"


"Hmm?" He's been in the middle of a quiet conversation with someone else, but turns. "Not here, but at the nearby post. I can pass a message to have some brought through the Gate. I apologize that none of us thought of it sooner." 


"I imagine you do not routinely host Companions in your underground library. Is the Gate the next order of business or should I start working on -" She gestures at the scroll.


"Whichever you judge more urgent, I suppose. The Gate can happen now or later." 


"I think sending them all back takes priority and if the one friend gets distracted I can ask the other to do this part without much loss of time but I don't know if I can leave Van and Melody yet - guys, are you going to be okay if I back off on the painblock -"


Yfandes is smushed up against Vanyel's cot and he's hugging her tightly around the neck. "What? Sorry, um, I think I'm all right now." 


"I'll manage." 


"Technically I can keep it up on one of you at a time from there if necessary." She backs off slowly.


Vanyel doesn't – well, he isn't not distressed, but he doesn't object to the painblocking in particular being dropped. 


"Oof," Melody says quietly. "This is tolerable, but I don't like it – though I'm concerned maybe you'd better save your arts in case an emergency happens and I should just find some painkillers." 


"I could send you back first?" she suggests. "Drop you off in Healer's and you can prescribe yourself something?"


Melody frowns. "I mean, probably that's sensible? Just - I'm a bit nervous that Taver's going to be tempted to hand me over to the Iftelis if it calms them down about yesterday. I don't think he would or anything, probably I'm being silly, but we did get attacked by an army yesterday and I guess I'm not overjoyed about going right back there." 


"Okay, your call. Gemma and the others and the patients are going to go back today though, I suppose unless one of them has an unexpected objection."


"Just a minute. Yfandes? Do you think there's any chance Taver would throw me to the wolves here?" 

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