Another shrug. "I mean, when I was in k'Treva, eventually once my Gifts weren't an emergency anymore, Savil would tell me to take a break sometimes, and...I think usually in less than a week I would get restless and bored and want to start helping out again. It's just, when I was doing things it was only one or two a day? And the timing was flexible and nobody was relying on just me to do something. Here it's – there are things at particular times, there's just more, and sometimes I have to go on a mission for a week where it just doesn't stop. And I can ask for leave afterward but then I'm letting people down. I'm already letting people down, I mean, Savil covers for me all the time, and Tran does the Mindspeech relay on his own when I can't make it, and I'm already scheduled for, I don't know, it feels like half the duties he is, and then I don't even manage all of them. I'm...doing a really bad job of being a Herald." He looks painfully embarrassed about it. "...Er, what do you want to know about Companions?"