"Oh, of course! Um, I'll just list all of them and then if you need an explanation on any I can give it after?" Shavri counts on her fingers. "Mage-gift. Mindspeech. Empathy – um, receptive and projective, they can come separately. Healing. Bardic. Mindhealing. Umm...Fetching? Farsight. Foresight. Firestarting. Animal Mindspeech, that's different from normal Mindspeech and less common but not as rare as Mindhealing."
She frowns to herself. "Um, and then there are a few rare weird ones. Touchreading is when someone can hold an object and sense the emotions or thoughts of the person it belongs to from the last time they were touching it. Pathfinding is where you can orient on a target and then just know the safest way to get to it. Oh and there's something called the Gift of Tongues, it's probably using a variant on Thoughtsensing but it lets someone understand any language. Apparently all Companions have it, every once in a while a person does. Van told me about something called Earthsense that Tayledras Healing-Adepts have, it lets them be in touch with the land or something, but he doesn't know if anyone in Valdemar has it. Um, and sometimes people have Wild Gifts that haven't ever been seen before. I don't know anyone in Haven right now who has a Wild Gift though."