There is a person, lying on the burning sand, not even particularly arranging himself for less sand contact, eyes closed against the light, whimpering a little involuntarily now and again. He wasn't there the last time she checked.
She makes the sounds that provoke responses for a while longer, and then she goes back to sleep.
She pays close attention so that she can repeat the sounds back to him when he's awake.
She has lots of new things to try!
She can get a THIRD SOUND with enough experimentation with the new words.
She is pleased with the amount of a pattern that this is.
After a while she plays back the sound of him screaming, to see what he makes of that.
She goes back to trying other sound patterns. Now she's going to string the sounds together and try to make all of the possible combinations of two, so she can see if any of those get responses.
Somewhat fewer of these get reactions but the ones that do get a slightly wider variety - four common responses, another half a dozen less common, one of which is significantly longer than the others.
She goes through all of the words and word combinations that got responses again.
Responses are about the same. One two-sound combination doesn't get an answer this time and the one that got a long answer before instead gets nothing.
She goes back to trying sound combinations. When she's tried all of the combinations of two, she tries combinations of three, starting with combining the ones that got responses earlier.