Belmarniss shows up early the next morning for her consultancy meeting, munching a pastry from her breakfast spread. "Hey - I was told to meet with a Luay?"
"That's why I'd hope they'd send you to check. But I don't do politics, really. Thank you for the language - I like it very much -"
"I'll probably want to practice more tomorrow, this vocabulary's tolerable but I keep bumping into its walls."
"Hello. Have I inadvertently addicted you to the hummus here or am I just so charming?"
"Gotta be the hummus. Unless I just want to bask in the reflected glory from all the important people you're meeting."
Eyeroll. "Bet that's not even mission-relevant, there're spells for that."
"Missed his calling as - no, I suppose he noticed and merely had limited affordances to pursue his calling as a scholar."
"Lotta scholarship you can shove in under service to Abadar but not all of it. I guess most people who'd be great scholars never have a shot at it, though."
"Grandma sold 'em when Mom died. She had her own but I didn't really get to know them."
"Well, in the palace they keep the girls looking young right up until they die, the spell doesn't expand lifespan. Everywhere else - I think when most slaves had kids they'd look after you. Now that's not allowed, so - dunno."