Belmarniss shows up early the next morning for her consultancy meeting, munching a pastry from her breakfast spread. "Hey - I was told to meet with a Luay?"
"He did mention this but not in a way that seemed like it was about me."
They make it out of Zeun without incident, though they spend part of the trip back to the surface alongside a chatty drow woman who asks them if it's true that individuals without levels or huge swords can just go buy surfacer food up there. Belmarniss tells her this is true, though she isn't sure how this individual expects to transport much. She says she's going to load up on spices she can haul herself and then buy some slaves to carry more stuff next time. Belmarniss agrees that this makes business sense and confirms that the slaves will not find being aboveground particularly disabling. She tells her to turn left on exiting the aperture and head for the city - "surfacer cities look like a kid's been playing with blocks, it's stuff stacked up on top of other stuff on the ground".
They're walking faster than the chatty merchant and have lost her by the time they break to the surface themselves and turn left.
There's time left in the day to head to the temple of Nethys if they hurry.
"Tried to convince him to abolish slavery but he wouldn't go for it," he says, not naming the pharaoh even though there's no one around.
"He said lots of things. He's real good at - with the crown, it does the strongest form of splendor, but even before that he talked like most people do on splendor. I can't argue and I can't even always listen. That it's better than most other approaches for crimes, which, I'm not delighted by that but it's not actually what gets me up in arms - that it's important that people can expect their government not to randomly declare their property worthless for ethical reasons - that it'll abolish itself for economic reasons if you get the material conditions in place - that when he moves too quickly on anything it scares people -"
"There're countries of humans that don't have human slavery and Osirion's human enough that he might expect we'll get there once we're as rich as they are and then that'll be ninety-five percent of the battle? The thing drow do seems less likely to be responsive to economic conditions but then I'm not an Abadarian who thinks economic conditions actually solve everything...but I think that argument relies on most people being much more economically productive doing work they chose. So it's not true when everyone farms, and it's not true if you have one class that has all the magic."
"Well. I'd like to see him in all his splendor trying to explain it to a slave sometime. But today..." Sigh. "Today my parents. Or tomorrow, I suppose, if she doesn't prep it without an advance order."
"I need two Resurrections. Ideally same day but spaced a couple of hours apart, but that's not essential."
"Do you have insurance in a form that covers them in the event they're lost after I hand them over?"
"See you then."
And that is all the business she has here. "It'll be so weird to see them again," she remarks to Hagan.
"I can imagine! Are they going to be - uh, when you get people back from Hell they're in a right state -"
"That's why I want them spaced. Calm her down for a few hours, then get her husband and she can help him. He'll be worse off, I assume, she's only been dead a little while."
He nods. Reaches out to squeeze her hand again, then remembers himself, pulls it back.
"Ah, I see, if you squeeze my hand in downtown Sothis you will surely be recognized and the ninjas who have given up on getting the location of their gold out of you will soon pick up the trail once again."