Belmarniss shows up early the next morning for her consultancy meeting, munching a pastry from her breakfast spread. "Hey - I was told to meet with a Luay?"
He is perched on the balcony of his inn room, having an arm-wrestling contest with Fy. They can head out and get underground by dawn.
"Stars're pretty. Don't try to blind me at all. Sothis'll need to have more stuff open at night if there's much traffic."
"They'll love that. Twice the use of the land at no extra cost, or at least not much."
"I bet there are places in Axis set up just like that which we can refer to for precedent."
"It's got a bunch of stuff floating in the sky, all of it stuff someone put there. Abadar's district is as bright as daylight, at least when I visited."
"Would normal parents not do that? I feel like most parents expect their kids to be on very good behavior when visiting gods. Not that we saw Abadar."
"Most parents hit their kids, send them to bed without supper, wash their mouth out with soap, so on. Have to be more creative with the pharaoh's kids since it'd be a crime for anyone but the pharaoh to lay hands on them and he doesn't have enough time in the day to hit all his kids but -" Shrug. "I bet I can do better."
"Saying things you shouldn't! It's - behavioral reinforcement, right, you can see where people get the idea -"
"You can train animals without any punishments. - possibly only if you have six levels in Ranger, I can't actually disprove that being an essential element."
"My mom'd hit me. But only in front of people? Like, she'd do it to demonstrate that she was doing parenting to a socially acceptable standard. She didn't do it when there wasn't anybody around, or even if it was just Sovi."