Belmarniss shows up early the next morning for her consultancy meeting, munching a pastry from her breakfast spread. "Hey - I was told to meet with a Luay?"
He is leaning right over her and quickly steps back away. "I just - had a cure spell if you needed it -"
"Eh, save it in case something sneaks up on us in the night." She gets up, going 'oof', and tromps over to her mercifully already-set-up bedroll.
And they can be back in Sothis in plenty of time to snag the other two for lunch and ask Mahdi about mysterious sorcerer levels.
"Haven't heard of it. There are ways to chain your sorcerer and wizard caster levels but I think you still level in wizard when you do that?"
"So your overall caster level takes into account the sorcerer and wizard levels. I haven't done it, but I read something about it somewhere."
"Fly lasts longer, but I thought that was just normal progression... haven't precisely timed it, I was expecting more wizard slots."
"Huh! I don't remember any more than that about what chaining the levels involves or how it's done or anything, I'm sorry. I'd be surprised if it interferes with getting fourth-level spells? Because people did it deliberately."
"I guess not having to ration my admonishments is nice but there had better be some cool upside in the works."
Mushroom. It's lightly salted, very umami and has a bite like jerky. "His mom wasn't there, silly, she got eaten by the Tarrasque, remember. No, we found the capital city of Shazeun, it's not too bad a hike as intercity transit goes, they're friendly as drow get, we spoke with someone who implied that she was not the princess, we bought some stuff to settle my bet."
And after lunch she can go by herself with the rest of the mushrooms and her bolt of silk to where Merenre works and report in.
"I think you can risk it. It is not without its risks, to be clear, none of these people are very coordinated with each other and they won't trust you off the bat however Lawful your auras and the fact that the princess of this particular city didn't decide to try to murder me yesterday doesn't mean that much about the behavior of individuals with something to gain. I do think that if nothing bad happens in the first while you can relax a lot, though - a lot of chaotic behavior is actually a reaction to expecting chaos from the surroundings, if that makes sense? I still read chaotic but I behave in Osirion and on a certain level it's very relaxing here because I don't have to expect much chaos from the surroundings; if it becomes well known that Osirians are boring predictable vendors of goods and services you can just be that."