Belmarniss shows up early the next morning for her consultancy meeting, munching a pastry from her breakfast spread. "Hey - I was told to meet with a Luay?"
"'m looking forward to it, or I'd have told you to take someone else. Try not to get me killed, though, it'll be very hard on the poor people who did it."
"Probably. Might depend on the details, I guess. Maybe don't tell Fazil and Mahdi I died, if I did, just in case I can save it somehow."
"But how will I find the place? Would you say it's distinctive in any way? Are there landmarks? Will the locals be able to give me directions?"
"You just have to close your eyes and follow your heart through the streets of Sothis and you'll bump right into it. And then get tackled by a dozen men in uniform."
"I mean, it's possible that the times I've tried it, it has in fact averted some incidents, but I don't notice a statistical net improvement. Either elves are just as weird in any color, or surface elves aren't weird and people expect me to act like one and I don't know how, and especially don't know their friend so-and-so the surface elf even though they are sure everyone with pointy ears has met him."
"Knew a couple of elves growing up. Tutors. They seemed - not that weird. Maybe they were weird and I just had a weird baseline. Maybe people are just dicks."
"A tutor's pretty filtered. And would've adjusted to you rather than expecting you to meet them halfway. They were there to teach - the language? That all?"
"It was mostly specific to Kyonin and the Osirian expats from Kyonin. Learned about their gods and stuff, their government, their relations with their neighbors, problems they had with Osirian law..."
"Didn't say I paid attention. Uh, we have a bunch of laws that reference specific ages and they were annoyed we hadn't changed all the laws to specify the relevant and different ages for elves."
"I mean, if marrying off your twenty-year-old Elf is ill-advised you can just not do that. I think it was causing problems in a couple of places? I really spent my whole education trying not to pay attention, though, I was scared Abadar'd get ideas."
"The marriage law is nineteen, or sixteen with special approval. In Qadira it's fourteen so we feel very civilized by comparison."
"Wow, the ability to get married of the ability to get married of the ability to get married of my ability to get married can get married."