Belmarniss shows up early the next morning for her consultancy meeting, munching a pastry from her breakfast spread. "Hey - I was told to meet with a Luay?"
"Does this not just boil down to 'the good ones are okay and the neutral ones are okay and the evil ones are bad.'"
"I always figured there had to be more to that story but maybe there's just not."
"I'm not really sure what the gods' alignments mean anyway - like, do they pick 'em -"
"Beats me. I think when I'm about ready I'll go to some temples, read some scriptures, talk and see if anybody talks back."
Nod. "Do you have a level in mind or will you wait as long as you can or what?"
Nod. "Well. Lemme know your departure date, I guess, not that I have that many loose ends to tie up here."
She writes it down.
The next morning she swings by to see if they're hiring her party.
"Wow. If I go without backup and get killed in my sleep will my insuring church be after you guys for the diamonds?"