Belmarniss shows up early the next morning for her consultancy meeting, munching a pastry from her breakfast spread. "Hey - I was told to meet with a Luay?"
" - huh. Those seem like awfully good ones and I don't think most people have any good substitute at all. Maybe you can get it to catch on."
"Man, imagine if everyone was. All languages would collapse into a single monstrous creole as everyone learned everything. People would differ only in accent, and then they'd all learn to do all the accents and it'd devolve into class signaling or something, and you'd break your back trying to carry a dictionary. I am capable of repeating a phrase more than twice, Hagan."
She goes through the phrases she outlined, and throws in a few more to demonstrate the component handshapes more simply - "why" and "maybe" and "please" and "hurry".
She will go over them as many times as necessary and steal his food to demonstrate in the one case.
He's not a wizard but he's not slow at it. He objects very emphatically to the food stealing with the "why, why, why" handsignal.
And the next day she goes and teaches Hagan's Secret Dad more words in spoken drow.
"D'you know anything about how they're setting up the expedition or are you not in the loop on that?"
He looks slightly baffled. Not by the word, it's come up in their survey of drow vocabulary. "Then it's their loss I suppose but I don't see what's worse for asking."
"It just seems like probably not everyone who vaguely thinks they have the qualifications to do some project they heard the church is hiring for should go knock on someone's door about it as a matter of general principle without even seeing, say, a job ad."