"Probably mad suggestion: we can look for another of us, and hope our quite frankly uncanny luck holds."
what could've happened
"Coming back should be pretty easy, too, if we figure out new and exciting ways for things to go wrong."
Ebele laughs. "How about we compromise and be the new and exciting ways for things to go wrong for our opponents?"
"I know." There's a brief hint of a purple flash behind her eyes.
"I'd hate to be your enemy." Probably. Unless they were sexy rivals, that'd be fun. Ebele is pretty sure she can't manage being a Darth's archnemesis with benefits, though - yet (growth mindset).
Who clasps her hands and moves them all back to the planning area for their strike teams.
"Either my teleport is awesome at targeting or someone up there really likes us like Hisame - sorry, Tentou - thinks. Or both!"