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"I guess that'd be inconvenient. I hope I leveled, I guess I'll see when I prep tomorrow..." She flies after Fazil.


The people do not seem to be pirates! They seem to be a legitimate merchant vessel bound for Sothis and grateful for healing and any other help getting this badly damaged ship to its destination.


They can do a couple Mendings. "Tomorrow I can prep a Make Whole if we stick with them. We're going their way."


"Yeah. I'm inclined to stick around."


"Didn't get the sense they wanted us in Sothis because of a problem in Sothis, as opposed to because they didn't want us meddling with whatever's going on overseas."


"You wanna hare off someplace else?"


"They did say Sothis."


"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine with that, just not in a particular rush."


"Do you hafta report in somewhere? Do we have to come?"


"I do and you probably should, I imagine they'll have more useful advice if they actually know who they're advising."


"Advice on..."


"On this whole mysterious situation."


"Whether we have their permission to go fight in Andoran, if there is a war."


"Or their legally binding demand that you do so!"


"There would have to be an immediate threat to Osirion for the state to have the right to draft Mahdi and Hagan."


"Would there need to be any exotic condition for that law to change?"


"No, but I wouldn't expect it to, unless you've heard something I haven't."


"I don't expect it but it'd just be a speed bump under the wrong circumstances and I think that's interesting."


"The main thing protecting us is that a 'draft' of high level adventurers is very nearly voluntary anyway. How would you enforce it? You could shame our families, pretty much, and it wouldn't shame our families much if people didn't feel like we'd done much wrong."


"That makes sense."


"Also the government is just."


"Yes of course. But if it weren't, it'd still have to act like it was sometimes, and this is one of them."


"In the theology-cum-econ classes they kept being all, it so happens that our government is just, but if you encounter something unjust be lawful at it anyway for your spiritual developmemt, but all the examples were so - tame."


"Adventuring involves confronting a lot more ethical dilemmas than most people ever run into."


"Yeah, but still - 'your dad won't let you out past dinnertime', that one's not much of a challenge if you're the sort of person bothering to attend a - well, maybe their dads made them show up to classes."

They escort the boat Sothisward. It should limp into port the following afternoon if it makes good time, which it might not, Make Whole or no Make Whole. Belmarniss goes to sleep on the carpet well before the sun goes down, that being the current wild flailing of her sleep schedule, and she's up before dawn.

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