"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"Do people ever wind up here being neither? Some neutral good person puttering along and winding up in a confusing legal pickle, gets a not very sympathetic judge..."
"I don't know of a law outright prohibiting that - and, of course, most peoples' alignment isn't knowable - but women's monasteries are expensive, they don't pay for their costs in labor, and the intent is that people only get assigned there if it's needed to save them."
"I wonder what they do all day. I suppose I'm here specifically to ask some questions."
Some practical ones: was she associated with such and such hostage-takings and maritime disasters and exchanges with various authorities.
Did she know about the escape of her confederates? Why didn't they come for her?
Who was paying them? Is she safe here from whoever was paying them?
Where's the treasure?
"Okay. Discern Lies et al aren't in my book, obviously, but I can, like, take notes on whether she's spouting obvious bullshit."
"Cool. I'll meet you back here when I'm done, I suppose." She salutes and walks up to the door. Knock knock.