"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"Nice, I've been feeling the lack since last I rode it. When do you wanna leave, I'm between stuff right now."
"We can meet you at the Onyx. This place is a bit downscale but we didn't know how long we'd be waiting for you."
"What, am I the only woman you've ever met? Visiting a monastery isn't exactly high hazard pay stuff, you could've roped in somebody's sister."
"Are they, or is it just the sort of thing they worry will be socially unacceptable to be wailing and gnashing their teeth about? One does hear restrained complaints about labor and sleep deprivation and chafing and so on."
"I think lots of people are legitimately having a really positive experience, even if they'd probably choose to have fewer if it were their choice."
"Her given name is Abada. She was going by the Dread Dagger, when arrested."
"Hey, Belmarniss is my real name. It does mean 'bottomless pit' but that's just how drow names are, man."
"Met a guy the other day who claimed he was the resurrection of Aroden. He had the same beard as the one portrait in most Osirion history books, that was the only resemblance."
"When I started adventuring there was this asshat who claimed that his family was eaten by the Tarrasque."
"Investors are all very dense and I don't understand how the industry survives. Someday the money will stop flowing and everyone will have to get day jobs."