"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"Interesting they have enough Osirians to crew the whole place if they want. Not very properly international pirates."
"Shouldn't you have an especially low rate of piracy? But they're at least not outright hostile to foreigners, there's a handful."
"Maybe we have a higher rate of piracy because we have a lower rate of on-shore crime? So all the people who are irretrievably criminally inclined leave? But I wouldn't have predicted it'd work that way."
"And some countries actively fund pirates, cheaper than a navy, but one assumes we're not doing that."
"But what about the virtues of thrift and making an enterprise profitable? A navy that never gets into wars doesn't see much revenue."
"Piracy is really bad for international commerce. I guess paying pirates to do less piracy and more weapons smuggling would be defensible under some circumstances."
"Helping Cheliax? I - would need a lot more reason to consider it plausible. The circumstances where it's the right thing to do would have to be kind of absurd."
"We could drag someone off the ship and ask. We could go back to the girl in Saint Hadassah's and ask her. We could go to Cheliax and try to figure out what they're gearing up for and who they're selling to. We could report in to Fazil's contact that we have the proof our Taldane contacts need to exonerate us and we're going to bring the ship in, and see if they stop us -"