"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"It can be done but I don't know the details and it's possible it's more complicated somehow if the top is the surface instead of just a higher cave."
"You can submit them anonymously. I think that most successful submissions involve getting lots of advice from the sort of people who do it all the time, though, and who can help you revise your submission until it works."
"I know the regional governor of Tephu! If he ever sees me he'll kill me but I do know him."
"His son was to marry but instead he fell in love with me and I helped smuggle him off to Varisia in the form of a salamander."
"And he preferred no wife and no you and also being a salamander to yes wife no salamander you on the side! She must be awful!"
"I think I am actually a fairly typical eighth level wizard, though admittedly those are rare, and Fazil is a very typical eighth level cleric of Abadar. Hagan is -
- well, we love him anyway."