"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"Any cleric who has a good track record of service to the church is eligible for an appointment - ah, any male cleric, at least. In practice if you never picked up a level past your first that'll probably be prohibitive, but fifth, sixth, that's not very notable, and only a few of them are ninth or tenth. There aren't very many clerics of eighth level or higher. Seventy clerics of Abadar in Osirion are eighth level or higher, last I heard, and some of them are women or retired. It'd be very restrictive if you had to pick all twelve bishops and four archbishops from that."
"I suppose the fact that I do not find running Saint Hadassah's appealing is not useful market research about how the people who wind up doing it feel."
"Or just helping them escape the disproportionate consequences of their behavior, sure."
"It's really important and it's - personal? Most really important things are done in dusty rooms and affect people in ways you can only detect mathematically."
"I probably wouldn't be doing it if any of the other ways to become a god were straightforwardly accessible at level five."
"I've been looking forward to retirement. But - maybe we can warn Andoran or whoever about the war, first."
"It's not that it wouldn't be nice. In theory. If the world were completely different. Which I hear you're working on."
"I am and I will be delighted to have your assistance. I will put 'invent Cure Reputational Wounds' on here -" She flips notebook pages.