"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"I mean - people value a lot of things in a spouse, including their reputation and their character and their job prospects and their finances. These trade off to some extent, right, like a rich man of known dreadful character might have as many options as a poor one of sterling character. But they trade off imperfectly, and in general I'd expect that the sort of people who will marry a poor man of good character are more my sort than the ones who'll marry a rich man with a scandalous reputation. Even though I am going to be a rich man. With -" sigh - "something of a mixed reputation."
"No, no, it's the adventuring and the criminal case in Taldor and the father and admittedly some amount the adventuring companions but not too much."
"I wouldn't want to be doing you any serious reputational wounds. Adventuring's disreputable?"
"I worked in the church for ten years. I was blessed at fourteen, I was twenty-four when my younger sister was married. I - didn't feel like it was what I was meant to do with the rest of my life. Abadar didn't directly say anything but gave me a cleric level on my very first adventure, which seemed suggestive."
"One imagines he thought I could do more good out in the world. I don't know if there was some specific problem he has in mind for me or if all this -" vague gesture. "matters more than it seems day-to-day like it does."
"How about you," Belmarniss asks Hagan, "how'd you start, consider your funny story lever pulled."
"Lived in a village in the desert with my mother and father and twelve siblings. One day they were all eaten by the Tarrasque. I chose it as my first favored enemy."
"I had a friend if you can call it that who was third of twenty-three - when I last knew her, might be more by now - and four of them were still alive."
"Very choosy mom. Friend was whip-smart, very charming, and had a bag packed and ready to fuck off to the next country with before her mom got twitchy if she didn't impress all her teachers some year."
"I wasn't very sociable but she made friends with me hoping to convince me to marry her brother. I'm not sure exactly why, she had a lot of answers and most of them weren't funny."
"That was probably at least part of it. I didn't wind up actually meeting the guy, I left before she got that far in wearing me down."