"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"Question about how they'd find out stands. Next of kin isn't gonna show up at a temple of Abadar about it."
"Not even if we tell them they'll get money for weird surface people reasons?"
"It's a nice thought. I'm just not sure how to get anything much done with drow without, uh, casualties. The trade relations thing'd pay back the cost of those."
"I think it's mostly hopeless trying to fix other countries in ways that don't help you too. Ends up - disconnected from anyone's actual priorities."
"I'm not sure I'd go that far but it requires a - different mindset - and I'd be less optimistic about methods of trying it that require a lot of coordination, in particular."
"Outta the street," someone grumbles at them. Fazil takes the carpet back up into the air. "See you tomorrow!"
"See you."
She is there at breakfast the next day, collecting more than her share of hardboiled eggs.
"Mahdi's staying home after all? You'd better make sure you're both feeling very conscious."
"Great," says Fazil, with the look of someone who'd rather like that Cure spell for his reputation. "It's just, if we're going to be doing this every day for a couple weeks..."
"I'm not fussed, but if you are you could just lend me the carpet? I promise not to chaotically steal it away, not with all this fringe."
"All right. I can stop making cracks about babies to intrusive strangers if you'd rather."
"Hmm. I would rather fewer strangers talked about me but I think as a matter of principle you're entitled to make fun of them and it's on them if they take it seriously and it's an error of some kind to lead a life that's undermineable that way."
And they can head off towards Saint Hadassah's, again.
"I think all this contemplation of marriage makes you twitchy. Maybe you should abandon the idea and be a forever adventurer. Could hit, like, thirteenth level."
"Oh, you never know, that's on my list. You lot talk a good game about Axis being where you go to live a better life without scarcity but there's this noticeable scarcity of magical powers."
"Doesn't make sense for clerics to spend their limited blessings on those who don't need them. I guess maybe if the amount of cleric magic there is is the product of a negotiated agreement there could be more in sone kinda balanced way."
"You don't need create water, sure. But - what do clerics have - comprehend languages, you get that one, you're never gonna want that again? I am despite my extremely pathetic efforts aimed at an infinitely explorable wilderness, reportedly very pretty, which would have me unable to explore it via flight! It's a ripoff!"
Grin. "I mean, they'd be awfully nice. But the stakes are just higher here in the material world. I could use my cleric levels to flit around among the dead helping with translation or someone on this plane could save a couple lives every day."